I never had the transparent one they provide (or whatever it was)
So why is the app seemingly forcing me to get a new card?
Update : was able to bypass the confirm address step of the new card process by killing app and restarting, hoping more plastic doesn’t arrive in the post!
During a climate crisis it certainly seems bonkers to have this route still open, with no clear ‘no thanks I never took your invisible? plus card option’
I never really got this supposed “benefit” of plus tbh. I think it stems from when the plus offers were so, well, poor that the card colour option was added as an option.
I agree too - I have plus now but I prefer the hot coral card, would be good for Monzo to ask if you wanted the new colour or not
I know they used to but I don’t think they do now. At least when I recently rejoined Monzo and upgraded to plus, I wasn’t given the choice and it said my (plus) card would be with me soon