✅ Monzo Plus: Virtual Card from a Pot

This feature would be excellent. I already send subscription money into pots and have the pain of moving them out on time.

Would be awesome.


I don’t know of any other financial institution which could provoke this sort of behaviour and I’m still not comfortable with the concept.

Sure, in 1s and 2s it won’t make much difference to anything but on a lager scale this could seriously misdirect development.

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It would be useful to set my bills pot as a source for a virtual card since i could set any non direct debits to point to the virtual card. The would mean at the start of the month id have the exact amount put into my bills pot automatically and wouldn’t have to worry about those pesky bills like Apple Music that can’t be paid from this pot to begin with.


Duplicate of the heavily voted up thread already here:

Add your vote there :slight_smile:

Pots should have their own account details too which I’m sure has been requested.


Not sure I agree, I think that would simply add the confusion that I have escaped by using many bank for different purposes. 1 account, 1 number 1 great product is how it should be and all enhanced by the magic that happens in the monzo labs. :slight_smile:

Also voted this. It would be such a killer feature to help me get my expenses budgeted and organised


Yes, yes and yes again but in bold!!


@richardcadman any idea if the regulatory ducks (for virtual cards from pots) are lining up?

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I miss the days where Monzo were more transparent about where in the process of a potential feature they were. Now we just sit and hope that something like this will happen…


The pattern that is emerging is suggestions with around 300 votes and above get their attention. So I’d say this one has a bit to go yet before we hear anything from Monzo.


Just voted, definitely a great thing to have developed in my opinion

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I’d agree except that when setting up the virtual card it has the payment source. Which currently can only have one option. So it seems pretty clear that this was something they were thinking about (or at least having joint account support). But maybe I’m way off the mark there.

I appreciate all the reasons why Monzo are increasingly quiet about product developments, people getting over excited, plans changing/become unfeasible. Everyone jumping down their throats for features that are unreasonable but in the same kind of area etc

Guess it just makes me nostalgic for a time when everything was much smaller and we were involved in developments.

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I was only explaining and yes you’re right with the other reasons too. Plus they’ve said that now they’ve grown it’s a lot harder to keep an updated list.

Teams have their own priorties that always change and it’s nobody’s job to go around the entire company checking on deadlines and updating the list.

You could say this for anything. As a developer myself you’re fully aware of everything it could do and you’d like it to do. The problem is the list is never ending so you have to find a cutoff point somewhere, release and then iterate on it. I’m sure this will come sooner or later along with other improvements.

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Yeah I’m aware being a developer heavily impacts how you look at software and it’s potential haha

It was mentioned before that they did do an initial test on this feature but got bogged down in legal stuff

Just to be clear I’m not trying to sound like a negative nancy, although I have a bad habit of sounding like one anyway. Just remembering the days when regular updates on things like this were more feasible :slight_smile:

Just out of curiosity, what are people’s current workarounds to ‘replicate’ this the best way they can?

I’ve seen some people suggesting paying for subscriptions via paypal (not all services offer this plus you can only tell the merchant by the payment cost going out)

But I’ve also seen people using IFTTT which I’m not really inclined to use knowing I have to make all my spending and account visible to a third party :thinking:

I moved most of my subscriptions to another account so it’s totally separate, but it’s not ideal. I can see it all in the same aggregator (I use Money Dashboard), but I’d really rather be able to pick a Monzo pot and direct all transactions identified as subs from there.

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This is what I’ve been thinking of doing to be honest in the meantime, I’ve got a new account with Lloyds I had to open after I originally did my CASS to Monzo because my car insurance broker can’t take Monzo’s details, so I could probably use this as an account for all memberships to go out of and transfer money from Monzo to that each month…

But I’ve also been considering trying Starling, whether its worth opening an account just to move subscriptions to and have it show on my credit score is another story…

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If it doesn’t vary often I have a pot for my Plus subscription that adds £5 at the beginning of the month (payday) and withdraws it the day before the payment is taken.

You can use the inbuilt scheduled deposit and withdrawal feature in Monzo to achieve this.

Wait wut, can’t you only schedule a withdrawal to a different account though? Or is there a way to set an amount to leave a pot and go into my main funds?

To be honest I’ve never looked properly but never even thought that was a viable method?

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