✅ Monzo Plus: Virtual Card from a Pot

You can definitely schedule pot transfers to and from your account, but I have so many I’d need to do that I only do it to add to my pots on payday

Oh yeah I’d do a bulk add of say £100 to my pot on payday to cover subscriptions, then set the transfer for each on to come out a day before they seem to leave each month.

Not sure why I never knew that was a thing!

haha enjoy :smiley:

If I had multiple subscriptions that’s exactly what I’d do.

  • Create a pot called subscriptions
  • On payday set a scheduled deposit to put the total of all my subscriptions into a pot
  • Then setup a scheduled withdrawal for each subscription the day before it is due

Job done :raised_hands:

It would be nice to have the bills pot work for these but for now this works for me :slight_smile:

Cheers for that, I mean its not perfect but like you said it will do in the meantime!

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This idea seems to have gone quiet, is it still being considered?

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Has anyone from Monzo ever said it was being considered?

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The UI in the app suggested that it was going to happen I guess.

The most I saw was “this is an area we’d like to work more on” or something equally vague.

As soon as I saw this I was like “meh, probably won’t happen then” lmfao

With Starling you can now have a separate personal GBP account for £2 a month, so I guess you could shove all your bills in there and still have it as part of the Starling app

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Or just set up a free account at any other bank for subscriptions :man_shrugging:


We have started working on this :+1: (full transparency that it’ll take quite a while, but we should ship something else cool before then)


Maybe something Dark before than too :smiley:


My intuition is telling me history, notes and categories for connected accounts.

Should I buy a lottery ticket this week?


Monzo Platinum confirmed!


Thanks, not just for starting but for telling us too.


I am glad to hear that, thanks for the update.

I can officially confirm that it is not Monzo Platinum (or any kind of new tier) :sweat_smile:


HEADLINE “Monzo giving up on making money from new paid plans, confirms staff member”



Hope it’s either the title or something big, guess we shall wait and see