Monzo Plus Offboarding Experience

True, but it’s all in the T&Cs you agree to when you register? :man_shrugging: so, not sure why people are surprised?

I’m not surprised or disagreeing with the policy (here); I’m commenting on an aspect of the off-boarding process that could be improved, which I thought was the purpose of this discussion.

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They check that the address is correct before they send the card.


Looks fine to me. But the “you’ll also need to order a new card” feels a little passive aggressive . Why not say “we will be mailing you a new standard Monzo card”


I agree but maybe if you don’t intend to use your account (i.e. are leaving but not CASS switching away) maybe you don’t need a new card so Monzo would rather make it an active process so they have at least some metric to gauge that?

Leaving looks straightforward. The only real ‘pain’ point I see is that your card will be replaced. But if you’re using virtual cards for payments and switching these after leaving is a pain, and if not being able to see other accounts any more is a pain, doesn’t that mean you’re actually getting value from Plus after all and shouldn’t even be leaving?

If you’re referring to the new ones announced the other day, if you’re using Monzo as your main account (over £500 in each month, at least one direct debit), you’re not going to be affected by them anyway.


I guess another big reason is that if you mail someone a card then they might have changed their address.

You could solve most of that, though, by just initiating a flow after cancellation that says ‘do you want us to send you a new card now?’ And then ‘confirm your address’. I mean maybe it does that tbf. If not, it’s a minor UI improvement that could be made.

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It doesn’t. It says that you need to order a new card, you press next, confirm your address, and your new card is ordered.

So not a particularly onerous process then?

Not at all in my experience. The card ordering was an unnecessary step, as I didn’t have a Plus card and my coral card was still working.


Okay, how about this:

Let’s say I’m using all of the Virtual Cards, and I’m using my current Monzo Plus card. I choose to cancel. I now have 5 cards to re-order. Considering Monzo is going to re-issue my card then would it not make sense to offer to merge the cards back into the main one in the same way that they notify when a new card is sent out on the Primary Card. Cutting off all the cards and saying sort them yourself seems a bit rough by comparison to the level of care shown to non-plus, and current plus members experience.

If Monzo can merge them back into my main account, there’s less of a pain there, but if it’s going to mean me going through them all, why don’t I just swap them to another account while I’m at it?

Showing what you still have with free Monzo would perhaps be nice too since these features are prominently shown in the app as a plus member but the existing Monzo features you keep aren’t promoted.

The point I was trying to make is that although it’s simple form to navigate, it’s oversimplifying the process of leaving, and underselling itself on the free tier.

I’m honestly surprised at an unsubscribe function getting called out for being too straight forward.

My only thought on what could be improved is clarity about what happens to the Card after cancelling - the way the page is worded suggest my Plus card will be immediately deactivated, not deactivated when the new card is activated which I think is the case.

I think the behaviour about Virtual Card updates makes sense too - part of why I might set up virtual cards is to separate my Primary card details from services online - to update card details with all those people (which is a labs feature anyway, not a core feature) - would not be the behaviour I want.



You don’t get a physical card for virtual cards - that’s why they’re called “virtual”.

Cancel your Monzo Plus subscription - confirm your address on the next step and it’s done. A new card will be sent and all your virtual ones will be automatically closed.

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Apologies, I mistyped. I have 5 cards worth of online accounts I need to go through and re-organise, and fix the online payment methods for.

Oh ok :smiley:

Well that’s the advantage of Virtual Cards. You don’t need to go through all your accounts and swap them when you order a replacement card… However…

Cancel plus and this feature gets taken away from you.

If Monzo merged them into your main account (which is what the feature is) you’d have virtual cards for free after you cancelled.

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From reading the forums, it seems people use Virtual Cards in different ways. I recall a thread where someone was using them to separate types of purchases as they gave the details of one to their family.

Rather than having recurring payments on these bounce and have to go through locked account recoveries (potentially a damaging mistake if a contract is tied to one, or online Library like PSN/iTunes), would it not make sense to have the option to flip these over to the main card sans the separation. After going back to standard monzo your payments and account are still Monzo, but you don’t have the separate card numbers anymore.

Is there actually any clarification on virtual cards?

You’ll no longer be able to set up new, that makes sense.

Do they also delete your active virtual cards? As in anything you had setup with them will no longer work?

Could fail? Surely they would either work or fail, why could?


If you look at @ordog’s earlier reply with the screenshots, it seems pretty clearcut.

“You’ll no longer have … Virtual cards.”


“Online subscriptions could fail if you pay for them using virtual cards.”

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Yeah I was actually just including that screengrab :sweat_smile:

I’m just wondering about the language.

Shouldn’t it be “you’ll need to add a new payment to those services or your payment will fail”

The “could” is a bit ambiguous, like it must be either or? Theres not a might go through scenario or maybe I’m being too pedantic.

It could even say “we’ll delete your existing virtual cards” to make it clearer. That way you wouldn’t think they might still exist.