Monzo Plus - here's what's coming next!

Looks like they’ve listened with card quality, hopefully soon with the basic plus cards

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I agree with this, with the red metal Curve looking so good, I can’t understand why a good looking Hot Coral isn’t possible!

Would love to see the test prints.


So I saw the metal cards in person.

My personal preference is for the grey metal card. It looks and feels like metal. It’s as if there’s a metal slab and a card shaped cutout has been made with some etching. The etched Monzo and MasterCard logos looks great against the dark background of the card as they contrast well. Also as the card is just metal, it reflects light really nicely.

The white metal card has a matte plastic finish on top. So it doesn’t look or feel like metal until you hit it against something. The matte finish also means you don’t get as strong light reflections as the grey card. I also felt that the white finish could lend itself to staining overtime but I was told by Monzo staff that they’ve done testing to ensure this isn’t the case.


My preference between the two shown would for sure be the grey, it looks awesome.


So how does one opt in or sign up for Monzo Plus with a metal card?

You can’t yet

Monzo Plus is being trailed with a small group. Join the waiting list that is within the article in the first post to be kept up to date and possibly added to the trial if they choose more people.

Metal cards are only being investigated at the moment so are not part of Plus yet. However, as a Plus member you already get a choice between 3 card colours :slight_smile:

Definitely the grey. The white just looks like white test plastics used to test chip data.

Ooo they look tasty. When will they be available??

Not seen them first hand, but definitely prefer the look of the grey one, and I’m tempted to agree with @Nishi’s view that the whiteness of the white card may stain more easily.

Metal card looks loooooovely :heart_eyes:

On a different note; I requested a new investor card and I notice they have sorted out the alignment of the expiration date. Overall I prefer the look with the contactless logo and the Monzo on the right hand side. Plus the numbers are aligned and my name isn’t squashed next to it. And no security code showing through.

Notice tho that the investor card is IDEMIA over ICA.

(photo including personal details removed)


I wouldn’t be showing that much of the card number if I were you. You can see the first 10, possibly 11 digits and many receipts will show the last 4. Trivial for someone to charge something to your card!

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I mean the first 8 are the same regardless. I’m fairly sure it would be a hard person to guess the rest!

But I’ll keep your fears at bay :kissing_heart:


I hadn’t noticed till now that they had moved the exp end date onto Emboss Line 4 for the plus cards instead of Emboss Line 3 like the other cards

First 6 is all you should really show, as their the bank identification number.

If you’re right, this might be best served as a DM :blush:

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Yes, still visible on mine!

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I agree. I do like these a lot, but hot coral is just so Monzo. :hot_coral_heart:
There wouldn’t be anything else like it.


I’m not sure it’s specific to Plus cards as they had this issue with regular cards too, annoyingly.

Great - hopefully you’ll get the invite soon :crossed_fingers:

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