Been a while since I’ve used the Ideas topic, and it got me thinking how Monzo don’t seem to be competing with Starling when it comes to providing children’s accounts…
No idea if they plan on in the future or if something is in the pipeline but I got bored and even made a little graphic for it so may as well post it, I feel like Monzo’s design and UI would be perfect for a children’s account.
I know someone will say “parents can just create a virtual card linked to a pot for them” but I feel there’s more financial learning for a kid to have their own account and own card they can use to tap away at vendors, “digital money isn’t real money” kinda thing…
It probably makes business sense as well. A lot of people never change their bank (I certainly didn’t for a very long time), so if you catch the new generation, it will surely pay off for Monzo in the long run.