I’m sure we all ‘get’ this, but surely you understand that using this as an excuse for lack of platform parity is quite weak?
If a feature is good and necessary, and small enough that one or two devs can build it across a few days, surely putting it into your actual plans so that you can…you know…build/operate a good and equal product no matter the platform is worth it?
I have to agree here, it’s not a nice-to-have feature in my opinion — it’s something that needs to be available on iOS as well as Android. I’ve used it on Android and it works well! Good to see that using it on Android has also tidied up my payees on iOS too.
Yep I agree with the sentiment. It seems obvious to me that merging payees will eventually make it to iOS, it won’t be immediately because we’re building a bunch of other stuff (if you’re an iOS engineer we’re hiring!) and prioritisation is really tough.
It’s more that Android got it sooner, not iOS that got it later, if that makes sense. And it’s all because a group of engineers decided to do this over their Monzo Time which is a really nice thing imo.
Hi Bruno. It’s a real shame that Payee Management has taken a back seat - even more so now on iOS - lots of people have been asking to see improvements since the Big List. Take a look here:
I really hope the improvements like those requested above don’t get lost or forgotten. Payee management is fundamental for a bank and if you can make it work even better than it is, that’s got to be a good thing. Sadly it currently seems like another half way house rather than a finished product.
Crappy payee management (on iOS) that was only half–heartedly reengineered for the Big List was one of the reasons I ditched Monzo for being pretty much unusable now.
I’m glad that this feature has come - and as an Android user I’m particularly happy
More seriously, I think there’s a broader question about what Monzo time is actually for. I’ve always been a little uncomfortable with it being used for what seem to me like core functions. But then again I’m not really sighted on prioritisation and stuff - and I’d much rather have it (even on one platform) than it gathering dust in a repo somewhere because it can only be released when we have platform parity.
That all said - I can’t really bring myself to be too concerned by this. I might be looking through rose tinted specs, but my reading of @bruno’s new platform team that’s focusing on core app features is that they’ll (hopefully) be going through the app bit by bit, applying the same fundamental rigor as with the home screen. I’d hope that this would mean that once the new interface is sorted, they’ll turn their attention to things like the Payments tab - and give that the fundamental love it needs, too.
(I could be completely wrong about all that, of course).
The way I see it is that there was a bit of a half hearted effort on for a bit on the Payments tab. I don’t know the details, but it seemed like there were a lot of good intentions, but - given that we know that Monzo can really move at pace when it wants to - it seems like it wasn’t prioritised or worked on.
I’m not saying that any of this was right. Almost certainly not, in fact. And I agree that the designs for the Payments tab has made it in some respects more complicated rather than simplifying.
I suppose that I’m saying that I think that Monzo has recognised this, and now has a squad dedicated to the core functionality of the app. Indeed, I wouldn’t be surprised if all the stuff we’ve been saying here contributed to making the case for it. And I’ve been super impressed by the methodological and open way that Bruno and team are going about the home screen. It’s for those reasons that - while the current situation isn’t perfect - I have big expectations for the future.
Could not disagree with this more - the old Payments tab was too cluttered imo.
I really like having stuff like Pay Anyone and Monzo.me under Pay and Request buttons in the current Payments tab. The separate Pay. Scheduled and Share tabs are also separate features out nicely and being able to see pending Bill Splits is very useful.
NB: I do think the current Payments tab could do with some improvement (eg: make Frequent and Recent both scroll horizontally to save space), but it’s loads better than the old Payments tab imo.
I agree that there’s a lot of improvements we can still make. But also think the current Payments tab was a massive improvement over what we previously had. We also tackled some significant tech debt on that screen. Which is why it’s now possible for a group of engineers to build merging payees over a week or so.
The team working on the new navigation was the same team working on Payments - so we had to choose between continue iterating Payments or redesign the Home screen