I’m all for the reuse revolution. It would be wonderful to be able to buy or even to receive a discount as a Monzo plus member on Monzo merchandise like a glass Monzo KeepCup or a Monzo jute bag. I mean it would fit in with a current advertising campaign and I would definitely invest into buying some it’s also a good way to show that Monzo cares about the environment.
I don’t think Monzo are big on merchandise. Other than giving out stickers and mugs at events they used to have their own online store but moved it externally:
There’s a good range but it’s just garments
So they have the store , they just need to make some organic cotton/jute bags
As great as this would be, I’d honestly rather they just stayed focused on Monzo itself for now and continue developing the features they currently have in the works. They’re currently working on the Plus rollout and additions, Monzo Points and partnerships, improved CS, a new app interface and so much more!
But as Monzo grows, it would be cool to see something like this happen.
Teemill does have a bag as an available product on the back-end. I use Teemill for my own company, and know the Teemill backend quite well. It would take all of 30 seconds to implement it as a product!
My point was that they used to have their own store but moved it to a 3rd party and reduced the range. This (to me) shows that they’re not interested in the merchandising side of things
I hear you Kate, however these are small steps, which don’t take a lot to implement. I still want them to focus on the things you just mentioned above , but i also think that it’s not only about the end result, but the journey itself My journey would be significantly better with a Monzo jute bag
Oh I see! Maybe they are just using teemill because it’s easier to manage.
I hope to change their mind
Fingers crossed that they do otherwise your best bet is to go to an event / open office and get some there
Just looked and did my Mr Yorkshire thing. “HOW MUCH?”.
I agree about it being about the journey, but they still have to prioritise what’s going to be the most important in the long run, which is probably why they haven’t taken the current merch situation further yet. Maybe they will soon!
I do hope jute bags are in Monzo’s future though, purely because you’re so passionate about having one.
Haha. Thanks. Priorities, you know