Monzo investor card - design concept (By Brice Corbin)

Yes great response from everyone on the design. Hopefully the Monzo team may consider it in the future.

I really like it, especially the ā€˜Mā€™ instead of Monzo, but I think more Coral & less black. Or alternatively it would be nicer to use one of the other corporate colors from your logo colour palette? And, I agree that the word Investor isnā€™t needed :slight_smile: but lovely simplistic design.

I like it, but itā€™s not Monzo


Maybe Monzo should launch a competition who can come up with unique design and maintaining the hot coral colour.

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That is a fantastic idea :100: :+1:

Hello there :wave:

I believe :thinking: this is a very nice example of an Investor Card. I do know that this is a concept and you still need a lot more on the actual card to make it work but it is a good starting point. :man_shrugging:

Simple + Elegant + Fresh + High Tech = Monzo :wink:

I found theme here

Grey Red

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Would love a metal card for investors, similar to what Revolut offerā€¦


Tungsten core + Coral cladding. Iā€™d happily pay a premium for card issues (and reissues) to cover the cost of a non-plastic card.



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I guess I must be one of the few that doesnā€™t like it. It seems tooā€¦ corporate :thinking:

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Itā€™s fine. Doesnā€™t really look like a Monzo card ā€” the black isnā€™t a Monzo colour at all.

I donā€™t really get why card designs are a big deal, honestly; itā€™s a piece of plastic (occasionally metal) that lives in your wallet. I think more than a few of us donā€™t even get it out that much anymore ā€” Iā€™m more or less exclusively an Apple Pay user.

I also donā€™t think that making a luxury Monzo card for investors is a very Monzo thing to do. It also would take time away from stuff like making the app better, which seems like a waste.


The investor card is already a thing, this is just a playground thread for theoretical alternative designs.


Oh yeah. I mean, going so far as to design something thatā€™s drastically different to the main Monzo card. Seems like itā€™d take a lot of design resources, yā€™know?

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No it wouldnā€™t, those are different teams. From my experience as a dev, you generally want to keep devs as far away from any form of design as you can :joy:


Like it - very posh :slight_smile:

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Got a thumbs up from me! :+1:

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But the design team surely arenā€™t sitting around twiddling their thumbs because they have nothing better to doā€¦


Yh, thatā€™s true, and occurred to me too after Iā€™d woken up and sobered up a little.

Although, I still feel like other work wouldnā€™t be majorly impacted by designing a new card. You could give 1 designer a day or two to put some concepts together, which wouldnā€™t have too big of an impact on anything else.

Where I currently work, we have ā€œinnovation timeā€ once per fortnight, where you work on little personal projects that could go towards improving the business. I assume that Monzo may have something similar, and if they do, this could be done as someones project in that.

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They do (or did) indeed have ā€œMonzo Timeā€. Iā€™d forgotten all about this, so who knows, maybe something will pop up one day. :+1:t3:


Finally remembered what that reminds me of. image