Monzo in the Media

I’d recorded that to watch later

Ruined now


What was the question?

But I didn’t even resolve the wall.

Lavender Bank whatever next

Usually plenty of red herrings as well. Especially in the later rounds, and come the final you may get something as tricksy as “I think I see fish… These two could be fish, and also… Oh hell, they could all be fish.” :sweat_smile:


Paywalled, but some key info is on twitter

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Anyone see the latest AWS tv ad?

Monzo being shown front and centre, im sure it cost a pretty penny

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The one with the little girl? When the dad pays the busker with his Monzo card?

I wonder how these work. Do Amazon contact companies and say they are creating an ad and do you want to be involved/pay to feature? Or is it just luck that Amazon choose you?

Video for those interested:


I suspect if you’re a big player and you use their services you’re up for consideration?

This is from the video as well…


On new The Chase this eve… “Monzo is a type of what financial institution?” Guy in his fìfties confidently said “Bank” :+1:


Did the chaser get it right too?

Also, which chaser was it?

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Starts looking at ‘Vacancies at Domino’s Pizza’

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Move over Monzo?


Just over two years ago. Never forget:


Odd list. Tide and Curve aren’t exactly new, are they? Tred I can’t see the point of. And Treecard isn’t even available yet, and doesn’t seem to be a bank of any kind in itself - looks like they need actual banks to sign up and offer the card for them.

Would be hilarious then if Monzo were to join up with Treecard and offer it. No need for moving over then!

Does treecard shed features in the autumn and regain them in the spring?


None of those look particularly unique and offer anything which would be a big upgrade over Monzo :sleeping:

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