🇪🇸 Monzo in Spain [Wiki]

I’ve used Monzo successfully for much smaller amounts. Maybe the reader was having a funny turn.


it Sounds like it, just weird

“Caixa Bank - Charge - 2€”

Should be 7 Euros, today in Tenerife.


Bankinter 4€
Euronet 3.95€

Fortunately Banca March is still free.


Just to jump on the back of this, also tried to use the Monzo card at McDonald’s and whilst it accepted the chip and pin the transaction was cancelled on McDonald’s side, no record of an attempt by Monzo.

Transaction then worked fine with my normal banking card and my Monzo one was used 10 minutes prior elsewhere and an hour later after the McDonald’s attempt.

Seems like a persistent issue unfortunately.

I did experience the same when I was in Spain at a Maccy D’s

I’m in Valencia. Currently doing an Erasmus programme. Trying to get money out. Where is Telebanco please?

They were dotted around the city. I can’t remember the exact locations sorry.

Look for any cash machine with this logo:


Use this to find around you the nearest:

I don’t think the atm fees listed are accurate. I’m in Alicante city. Tried to withdraw from Banca March and the fee was 7 euro. Used Caja Rural Central for 5 euro.

Hey all

Used Unicaja Banco last week in Torremolinosa nd still free, which is still a rarity.

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I’m going to Spain this Julio and Latvia in Agosto, however is it better to transfer money in to my starling euro account and use that OR just use Monzo you think?

I may end up taking out euros when I’m there from an ATM

Starlings FX rate:

Am I getting too caught up in the rate:

In Spain with some friends, at a shop my Monzo card declined, a friend tried Starling and another Revolut - Revolut is the only bank that even acknowledged the attempts showing Merchant Not Supported

I tried with Barclays and Nationwide and they didn’t work either - in a last ditch attempt my Aqua credit card did work

While trying to transfer to Barclays in the moment and since I see this error

And it would appear my entire account is soft frozen now, Barclays also called to ask if I was the one who attempted that transaction

I have to say the lack of any indication from the app that my account is frozen is pretty astonishing, I only found out after trying to order an Uber and then I messaged the chat who told me…

All sorted now… I wonder why all the fuss! Talking about 9 euro here

This was the store in question:

Have to give it to @davidwalton because the support was great, much better than that Reddit story would lead you to believe. And also @Carlo1460 for not having all my eggs in one basket

I’m pretty sure using a lot of Monzo.me for small transactions (splitting bills with friends who don’t have Monzo) was actually the cause and not the 9 euro transaction


I’m very suspicious about enabling either of the settings in ‘Profile findable by’ - ‘QR code or payment link’ (monzo.me) and ‘Phone number’ (contacts)

Seems like it’s too easy to find/connect with Monzo users this way - especially by loading thousands of random numbers into your phone contacts and enabling it. Some of those numbers will be Monzo users and you’ll see them. Then once you find a Monzo user, send a small amount. If it goes through, the target is acquired for the next stage - phish for the account details or the well-reported panic ‘fraud is happening’ call…


Maybe a friend request System needs to be put in place? Or just an accept button, IE “ Do you know this person?”

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Trusted contacts is coming I believe?