Monzo in 2020: looking back and looking forward

How soon?

Credit Karma is a service that shows you your TransUnion credit score – we use TransUnion currently (they are one of the top 3 CRAs).


Okay, so are you planning on using others like clear score, experian to be able to see Monzo as a current account?

We’ll share more details soon – keep an eye on our blog :slight_smile:


Are there more? I was under the impression that there were only three…

There are some newer players like credit kudos but there are only 3 large CRAs.


I noticed Monzo is reporting the incorrect account opening date, which caused me to fail verification with Transunion. I was answering truthfully. It is off by a month.

Could you please report this (with screenshots if you have them) via the in-app chat? :thinking:


Done :blush:


So you don’t know who Credit Karma are but named Clearscore as a CRA…

The 3 CRAs are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Clearscore is just a vehicle to view the consumer made up bollocksy bit of a credit report, same as Noddle or Moneysavingexperts credit club.


I’ve never found how to switch energy provided in the app.

Not sure how you show credit card balances in the app but Tom tweeted it was a feature. Can anyone advise?

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It’s at the bottom of the vertical accounts and pot list

Can’t see it there :worried:

Well you found the energy switching now

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Seems arrange. I have energy switch and you have credit card. Why don’t we both have both options :thinking:

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Search help for “How do I connect my credit card to Monzo”

Do you have the button to add a card in the help article?


The energy option isn’t available to northern Irish customers


Sad emote…

But thats cool if they have an internal check on postcode to see whether to enable it in view or not?

Is that the case emma?

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I’m assuming so

When it first came out it wasn’t displayed to northern Irish customers. Then with the new nav work it appeared and now it’s gone again

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Do you think that 2020 might include using OpenBanking to pull information from other accounts? I know that Barclays is offering to do that in their own app for me, but I might want to use Monzo as my central store of information.

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