We've started reporting to Experian


Nice! Good news & thanks for this :+1:

One to go…


This is excellent news! Will make a lot of people happy :raised_hands:


That’s welcome news. Removes another barrier for people who want to make Monzo their main account.


This is brilliant news :slight_smile: glad you’ve got Experian onboard now.

Will Monzo then also be using data from our Experian Credit Files to make decisions for Loans/Overdrafts just like you do with Transunion now?


This is welcome news and I think this will make lots of people happy.

I am nit sure if the will use both reports for loads ect.

Yes this is very Welcome news, will indeed help with those who are still unsure about going full monzo because of Monzo were originally only using 1 agency. The more the better for everyone, as will then give other companies a clearer picture of our accounts who didn’t check with TransUnion


On average how long would it take for monzo to show up on they reports I quite new about 2 mouths so should it so on they next mouth as they report to them every mouth.

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Did you read the article? This was answered in there.


Yes I did they have stared to report all it now but with TransUnion I not seen monzo account they yet I now benefit a full monzo current account for 2 mouths now just what to ask.

This long

Although we’ve started sharing information with Experian, it’ll take a month or two for Monzo to appear on your Experian credit report. Experian are working with the data we’re sending them, checking it’s what they expect to see and making sure your experience is a smooth one before they start showing it in their reports.



Yes, we’ll also start to use Experian Credit Files to make Loans/Overdrafts credit decisions.

This will start happening over the next few months.


Ok. This topic is about Experian and you failed to mention that you were referring to TransUnion :see_no_evil:

I would have expected to see it on there now. If not, I’d suggest you pop the question in app and I’m sure they’ll be able to check for you.

Excellent news Theo, Thankyou for taking the time to reply


We start reporting all current accounts to TransUnion (and now Experian) one month after you activate your Monzo account.

It can then sometimes take a couple of weeks for TransUnion to upload the data their end and a further couple of weeks for your data to show on Credit Karma.

So it can sometimes take as long as two months. If it goes three months and your Monzo account is still not showing on your TransUnion Credit Report then please let us know.


Yes thus topic is about Experian I just saying with TransUnion I nit see it yet I just saying that after 2 mouths it’s not showed they yet

Ok thanks I will keep an look out on them

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Great news!

Are there any plans to report to Equifax too?