Monzo has crashed help

This morning I tried to log onto the app and it kept freezing and not opening.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app and it still won’t work after I’ve entered my verification code. It comes up with a message saying contact us if the problem continues

I’ve made sure that the app has all permissions checked for example photo permission and storage permission.

I’ve tried to call you this morning and it says you are receiving a enormous amount of phone calls so I assume you’re currently trying to fix this issue.

Can you please advise further

What verification code?

If you are an existing customer you should be receiveing an email with a link, not a code. Do you mean your PIN number?

The process should be: Reinstall. Log in with the email you used to sign up for Monzo. Click the link in the email you are then sent. Insert PIN.

If you’re being asked for your phone number or a code sent to your phone you are using the wrong email address.

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