Monzo Customer Support is so poor, it might finally make me leave

So, background - I cancelled a virtual card some time ago but I keep getting declined transactions which have nothing to do with me (most are from stores in the US, such as Target, for example). I’ve just ignored them as they decline, due to the card not being valid any more.

However, I noticed Monzo has added the option to mute transactions from deleted cards, so I clicked on it. It told me to make sure to report any fraudulent transactions first, so I thought I should.

First of all, they asked for details of an example transaction. This is how the conversation went…

I wondered what they meant by “reversed into your account”. Then their response explained it…

They’d ignored the details I’d given, picked the last transaction on my account and put on a block. I was now blocked from being able to purchase from Sainsbury’s (my nearest shop). I got them to reverse what they did and directed them to the transaction that I’d mentioned at the beginning.

“This was done on your previous card so no money has been taken”, they said. I KNOW - you’re the one that told me to contact you about this!

At this stage I walked away from the conversation. The agent I was speaking to said nothing more to advance my original question about the transactions, so I decided to just hide the card transactions.

But, frustrating at how this went, I contacted them on social media. They told me to email their customer complaints team, which I did. A few hours later they replied to say it wasn’t a complaints matter but a support issue, so have forwarded it back to the same support team who told me to contact them.

I’ve been a Monzo customer since the early days - beta app and pre-paid card - and the last 24 hours may be the push I need to leave. Unless Monzo now does something to pull this back I’ll be looking for an alternative bank. When a bank doesn’t have branches or telephone support it’s critical that what you do have is up to muster and, right now, I’m not seeing that. Monzo HAS to do better.


Assuming you made it clear that you were complaining, the above is worrying.

From memory, banks are not allowed to dismiss complaints like Monzo have done above.


I find I give up half way through a conversation with support most of the time because it simply like feels like I’d get a better response from someone random on the street. It feels like they don’t read what you actually write and I always leave feeling frustrated. I’ve put up with it a lot because I’ve been with Monzo for so long, but it really has been making me question that decision recently.

Quite often even the first step of going through all the screens trying to find a scenario that fits my query is annoying.


This is indeed sub-optimal. But I wonder, did your email try to explain your whole issue again? Or did you make it clear that you were complaining about the poor quality of the response to the issue you raised? I’m trying to see how Monzo could still consider it a support issue.

It might be worth - if you haven’t already decided to give up and not waste your time further - having a look at the following page on Which? and trying again with making a complaint in the manner described in the Top Tips box:

Top Tips

  • Make sure your email or letter is clearly headed with ‘Complaint’
  • Keep your complaints short and clear
  • State your bank account number or reference number
  • Include the names of people you spoke to, dates and times you spoke to them and copies of any relevant paperwork
  • Detail how you would like the issue to be resolved

[Edited: link preview was funky, so changed to an in-line link and quoted the relevant section instead.]

it is concerning, I agree. top class support makes such a huge difference.

Their failure to mark it as a complaint would be an FCA ‘unfair customer outcome’ - if the customer requested to log one. In an ideal world (bank?) the agent would be told.


My experience with them is

Open chat

“Hi, can I just check something”

Agent: “X here, sure, let me check that”

couple hours silence

Agent Y taking over!!

couple hours silence

Agent Z taking over!!!


That was my experience in '21 '22 before they banished me! In fact, @andrew_fishy I’ve been on chat to them once in that pub we were in… (intentionally not naming it, yes the one we always go to)

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I moved all my money out today. it is so frustrating their curstomer service. there is one unrecogonised transacrtion on my credit card, and they decided to block my current account and then after several people. someone said there is a transaction of 2260 from my current account, out of all this panic, i moved all my money out of monzo in few steps as their daily allowance, and then I closed my credit card account, and then all the transaction and card disappeared. and then the person on the message instructed me to go back to the transaction to make dispute but their dispute form didn’t give me options to dispute of my siutation and that’s the first reason I was on the chat. now is this the most awful bank ever? and they tansfered me from one person to another, one useless than the other…