Monzo Contacts list question

Does Monzo check my contacts list to see if any are on Monzo as my cousin has just signed up but he’s not showing in my contacts list.

When I use Revolut it checks the contacts on my phone and lets me know if any are on Revolut but this does seem to happen with Monzo and I can’t see if any of my contacts are on Monzo, which seems strange ?

Yes, you both need ‘Payments with Friends’ enabled within the Monzo app and allow the relevant OS permissions.

@jaisullivan Thanks for the info, I understand that to pay each other we both need the ‘Payment with Friends’ enabled, but is this also the same to be able to ‘see’ them too ?

On Revolut anyone that is in my phone’s contact list will also show in the Revolut app (obviously if they use Revolut) but this doesnt seem to happen with Monzo ?

P.S. this is on Android Phones

No problem! As far as I know, you’ll only see your friends within the Monzo app if they have payments with friends enabled :slight_smile:

Ah great, if this is the case then that explains it and why I cant see him at the moment. I’ll ask him to enable it and see if that works. Nice to know for the future though


@awjdean ???

I’ve found it can still take quite a bit of time even after you both enable payments with friends to see a new sign-ups


Having an issue with this at the moment.

Friends payments are both on. Brother could see me (Android) but I (iOS) couldn’t see him until he sent me a payment.

Same is happening again with another friend. He’s on Android and can see me but I can’t see him.

How often does Monzo check your contacts on iOS? Seems to either be broken or too slow.

24hrs later and still not able to see my friend on the iOS app.

Have you tried deleting the app and reinstalling.

That should force a recheck to rule that out :man_shrugging:


Thanks for your response.

I’ve logged out and in, no luck.
Then tried a reinstall…still no luck. Do we know if any of the iOS devs come to the forum?

Which version of iOS are you on?


In the privacy settings, do you have Monzo enabled?

Yeah the app has access to my contacts.

As I said I can see existing contacts. New Monzo users don’t seem to appear until they send me money.

Sounds like a bug then.

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Do you and them have payments with friends turned on in settings?

Yup both turned on.

He can see me, and I can see all my existing contacts.

This happened with my brother last week who recently signed up. Couldn’t see him for a few days until he sent me a payment

Maybe it needs that ‘trigger’ for some reasons I don’t understand…?

Yeah but I would have thought a reinstall would refresh your contacts. Weird…