Monzo App Won’t Load

Still no reply from Monzo yet, but the latest test flight build (4.9.0) appears to have gotten things working again!


You haven’t had access to your Monzo account (via your phone) for the last 2 days, and Monzo still hasn’t replied to you? :flushed:

A bit longer than two days (started the night before I reported the issue here), but yep!

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It’s happened again! Argh! :rage:

Had my phone off all day (dead battery)! Just charged it and turned it on to send my mom some money and the Monzo app won’t load!

Exactly the same situation as last time! Something about your phone being off (or maybe dying?) must upset Monzo.

I’m guessing once the TestFlight update makes it’s way to the App Store, it’ll fix itself. But given this has occurred twice now, in a similar set of circumstances, suggests it might not be as rare as I first thought, and that the last update didn’t actually fix the bug, even if it got things working. Please fix it Monzo! I’ve sent off another email with a video that documents what’s happening in more detail (didn’t get a reply last time). Can’t post videos here, and I can’t get a gif small enough to upload!

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Disappointing that you never got a response from the first ticket.

Something corrupting itself when the phone shuts itself off ?

It’s a weird one, the phone should shut down safely not abruptly and why doesn’t a reinstall fix it, if you’re up for some testing maybe try force shutdown an iPhone when the monzo app has been launched and is now in the background.

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Seems like it. I have a feeling the reproduction requirements are that the app needs to open and running in the background (stored in ram), and perhaps something is happening to the ram when the phone battery dies that’s causing some kind of check fail when it powers back on and you launch the app. Possibly a token mismatch, though you’d think deleting and reinstalling the app would fix that sort of issue!

So I’ve been doing some testing on this front, and I’ve got the app working. No idea if it was a fluke, or something else may be involved, but the actions I performed after my last attempt to launch and successfully getting it to load are as follows:

  • quit the app
  • force restart
  • unlock the phone
  • regular reboot
  • unlock the phone
  • launch the app.

I don’t know if the fresh install contributed, but the fresh install by itself certainly didn’t. It seems to have done the trick though. What I am going to do today is let my phone drain to zero and die, leave it a bit, charge it and turn it back on and see if it happens again. If it does, then I know for certain how it’s reproduced.

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Just popped it on charge, the app loaded once it came on so :man_shrugging:

Who knows the exact pre-requisites that trigger it. At least the App’s working, so I’ll leave it there for now. If Monzo reply I’ll update the thread, else I’ll be back if/when it happens again.