Monzo Android app gone back to pre-card state

Hello there. My app has decided i have just got to the top of the waiting list and is showing the ‘raymond your card is ready’ message.

There doesn’t appear to be any way of getting back to the app and accessing the account i have been using for some months.

Any ideas anyone, as i can’t see any support / monzo contacts anywhere handy…



Hi Raymond,

The out-of-app support address used to be so I assume it is now

It may be that you’ve been signed out of the app and then when you have signed back in you’ve used a different email address to the one associated with your active account? If not that then I would try uninstalling the app, restarting phone and downloading it again.


Excellent work RI. App deleted and downloaded and re-logged into, this time with the correct email address (Duh!) Thanks ever so much. Raymond

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