My salary comes in on the last working day of the month, which means it can vary by a few days each month.
Currently, Monzo only allows it to be a full month when looking at the sumarry and saying how much money i do or don’t have. For example today i got paid on the 28th, but it would run until the 31st next month.
I would like the ability to manually adjust this period.
Do you not just need to go to the Summary tab, tap the Summary at the top (with “this month”) underneath it and then choose - Change start date. It will give you option to choose your salary as the income source if it sees it there.
I get paid on the 26th and mine is currently running from Sep 26 -> Oct 25.
Last month I got paid on 24th (as 26th was weekend) and I had it as Aug 24 -> Sep 25
I have the same problem - I get paid on the last working day of each month too.
This is the first time my salary has been paid into Monzo.
So this month I got paid today - 28th, but next month I will be paid on 31st Oct, but if I choose my payment today in summary, it will only run to 27th Oct, days before I get paid next.
They are working on better pay date summary options, dunno ETA for this, hopefully soon!
Next month your summary will tick over to the next period on the 28th but once you get paid if you select the payment as the start of the period it will sort itself out.
This would also be useful for people (like me) who use their Monzo as a spending money account - not sure what the threshold is currently but my £150 or so a month isn’t enough to let me select it as my start date!
Yes, please! Need this for another use case: We get paid every four weeks to the day starting 1st Jan, so the salary pay day can be anytime in the month.
We’re the same, and it’s such a pain when you end up with a 5 weekend month that doesn’t fit with the 30 days that summary gives you. More flexibility would be great! Just adding my voice to help
Related to this - it’d be great for new customers to be able to set their usual pay date (if they have a regular one) at sign up. As I’ve switched over just after my last paycheck I’m going to be getting warning messages about my monthly spend for several weeks until I can tell the app that this payment is when to start the month from. It’s not a big issue and probably just impatience on my part It’d be good to be able to use most of the budgeting features from the start though.