Manage bank details

Do we really need to have the bank details at the top when they’re now under the ‘manage’ tab under your card?

Just seems to be quite uneccasery.

They need to be prominent since they aren’t on the card, not sure they are easily found in the manage tab

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For me it’s the second thing there, right under my overdraft.

I can understand displaying the account/sort code but why make it clickable with the exact same information found under ‘manage’?

Is this in the text that changes from “Personal Account” to the sortcode/acc number?

It takes up no extra room in the UI this way, so why NOT have it?

When you click on that it brings up the exact same information found in ‘manage’.

Just seems at bit pointless to me.

In iOS it also brings up the Bank Address, and BIC Number? Those are useful.

Not sure what harm there is in having useful information in more in one place I guess? :man_shrugging:

Interestingly, I had a conversation with my mum, fellow Monzo user, who didn’t like this because if the sortcode and account number aren’t there, it says “Personal account” or “Joint account” and is the only real way to know which account you’re in unless you recognise the different card numbers.

I’d have thought the word ‘Joint’ at top of the illustrated card would help with that.


Agreed, seems a little overkill to me