
Does anyone know if the monzo cards from the uk can be used in Malta. We are going away in April and don’t want to get there and have no access to using our cards.

Thank you

Yes as Malta is in the EU and Monzo works fine in the EU.

As with any EU country, ensure you pay in Euro, not in a local inflated GBP, to get the best rate.

There is a basic wiki thread about Monzo in Malta if you require more details.


Answer above is correct but as always I would caution against only having one method of payment when abroad.

Payment networks can and do have problems. Try to also take another card on the Visa network and have some cash available.


Good advice, even if you just withdraw a small amount of cash in an airport cash machine once you arrive.

Has anyone been there and know how common free ATMs are? Quick Google search seems to suggest that most ATMs in Malta charge fees

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Free ATMs we found in Malta were HSBC and Bank of Valletta. There were also some smaller banks which we only saw a couple of times, APS bank ATMs were also free

By aware of Euronets, some of them were painted differently from the usual blue/yellow colour scheme. Most signs for ATM were leading people to Euronets, as HSBC and BOV ATM signs used their company logos (Bank of Valletta a dark red/purple BOV logo). Lots of Euronets in tourist areas like St Paul’s and St Julians

Some cash is needed in Malta, as some local cafés/ice cream places were cash only, and some had minimum spends of 10€ to pay card. Valetta to Gozo fast ferry was also cash only (unless you pre booked ticket online)

All tourist attractions we visitied (museums, historic sites etc) accepted card payments

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And we only found 1 ATM at airport arrivals, which was HSBC (which was free to use)

In my experience all Maltese banks do not charge a fee for ATM withdrawal. I have used BOV, HSBC, APS and Lombard bank ATMs and they have never charged me any fees to withdraw from my UK bank cards (disclaimer: up till now!)

Euronet is not an ATM fleet of a Maltese bank and I would be vary wary from using them, they charge a fee and if they take your card or take your money hit not give you cash it would be a hassle.

APS is a great Maltese bank but unfortunately it only accepts VISA cards for some reason so you can’t withdraw using Monzo.

(I’m Maltese btw).


I have used my card in many places and I have had no issues at all. I haven’t even been charged that I am aware of
Monzo is great!