Hey guys, so I received an error with getting a magic link for logging into my Monzo account for getting an authorisation code so I can access my financial details through the API. I don’t have this problem if I want to log in for getting an access token, this only happens for giving permisions to my confidential client. This is a problem because then I can’t get a refresh token.
Steps to reproduce Monzo error
Fill in Monzo Security to get the authorisation code according to docs.monzo.com
Enter the URL in the browser
You will get the login page, press “Continue to login”
Type in your email address for the account you want access to
After these steps I got “Oops!” and “There was a problem sending your magic link ” along with “Problem details ” with below it “Unknown error”.
Does anybody have any clue why this is happening? Why can I log in and get an access token but I can’t log in to give permissions to my client?