Looking to buy or sell Monzo Crowdcube shares

I was hoping someone on here might’ve done it

I do have 995 shares for sale, what do you say is reasonable price :slight_smile:

I’ve got 2944 shares I’m looking to sell. Don’t know what the process for selling is but pm me if interested.

What investor goodies to you speak of? I bought the Max amount of shares in the previous round and havnt been contacted or given anything…

The word Investor on your debit card.


Hello, I have 130 shares that I am interested in selling at a reasonable price.

If you, or anyone else for that matter is interested then just let me know :slight_smile:

Don’t forget the Forum Flair - :rocket::rocket:

And this :sunglasses:



And this…


Now that is what I call investor $WAG

Are you still selling?

I’m interested. How do I buy from you?

Are you still selling?

If anyone is selling their shares please message me.

Message me, I am indeed still selling.

Can do - please DM me

Yes I am

Willing to sell - DM me if you’re still looking for a batch

@Shari023 you might be interested in the offers here :slight_smile:
No idea what actual asking prices are, but last crowdfunding they went at about ~ £ 7.71.

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Tradosh how much was you looking for the batch? Would you accept £7000