Logo cropping

Hi John,

Thanks for the feedback. Hopefully I can provide a little insight into how we manage this at the moment, and where we hope to go in the coming months…

Most of our logos are sourced from twitter, and one of the main reasons for this is because they are usually square and therefore look great in your feed. With the new merchant feedback feature we have had a range of logo urls come in, and we want to try and make each customer’s feed look as they want it to look (as far as possible). We have therefore taken these urls, where they work, and included them.

However, in some cases these logos don’t look very good, such as in your example! If this happens, we can remove it, leaving you with the placeholder logo, or you can keep the partly-shown logo. I would be interested in hearing which you’d prefer. In your example above, would you prefer the placeholder logo or the partly-shown ‘Wellcome’ logo?

Obviously, neither solution is ideal at the moment, and we would love to be able to provide customers with a selection of images from which to pick.

As with many things, we will iterate and try new things as we go, so all of your feedback is useful!
