Legacy Monzo Plus Issues


So, I am/was a Monzo Plus customer, I’ve gone “Full Monzo” and use the app on a daily basis. I’m not generally on the forums.

The first time I heard about the bundles was on this thread, and I found out that Monzo was scrapping Plus (at least for now) by a Guardian story linked to on twitter.

The Home bundle looked like it might be something I’d have been actively interested in, for the record, but the communication around this hasn’t been anywhere close to what I’d have expected of you.


Hi Nicholas. Welcome to the community!

So they have got back to me and said that apparently my link will revert back to my name

Not seen that said before and does not seem that consistent with what I heard before on here

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They should just give up on Plus and move onto something of greater ‘customer’ value and less divisive.

Can’t see this happening though.

Just had a response from Monzo. I can cancel but no refund. I was on the £6 deal. Raised it further as a complaint, the lack of consistency is baffling.

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They did mention refunding people with some interest. You can see that here:

Just point Monzo Support to here: Monzo Plus: a fresh start with some fresh faces 👇

I was told that this will happen automatically during the course of next week so if you wait this should happen without you having to do anything.

On the Supporter Bundle.

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I was replying too:

It seems like he was on the Legacy Monzo plan, which was effectively the Supporter Bundle. I would not see a reason why he would be excluded from this.

The only scenario where he might not get a refund, or it will depend on the Monzo Team, is if he had travel insurance as well (does not seem like it).

Finally received a response to my complaint which was full of incorrect statements/facts which I’ve gone back on.

On the plus (:wink:) side I’ve had a refund of my payments and subscription cancelled!

Just to note; this is a complaint I originally raised on the 24th August.


On whose part? When did you complain?

There should be another choice to this poll; “I am going to keep Plus and wait to see how it develops”

Another Poll (updated version);

  • I’ll be asking for Monzo Plus refund.
  • I am going to keep Plus as benefits outweigh the cost for me
  • I am going to keep Plus and wait to see how it develops
  • I’ll wait for a Monzo response before making my final decision

0 voters

Why would anyone do that?


Tried telling me that they couldn’t uphold their complaint as version 1 of Plus allowed customers to add on insurance AFTER they had taken on the subscription which was not the case at all, as the functionality hadn’t been built and support weren’t able to add it on either. I’ve sent back some staff posts from the forum which supports this too.




I do. Because one way or another I’ll get what I deem value from it.


24th August as well btw, taken me a month to get here.

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It needs a 4th option… (all be it lengthy :laughing:)

I’m going to wait and see what Monzos response is to all the concerns and questions in this topic. Which will hopefully have some advise on what they suggest we do too.

Or another big change to Monzo Plus :smiley:

Then the benefits, outweigh the cost.