Legacy Monzo Plus Issues

Are you able to adjust the poll so voters are visible? May aid Monzo in targeting resolution where necessary.

I dont think thats necessary, im sure Monzo can see who’s voted on the poll and for which option, and they could see the situation from an individuals account anyway

Cheers Ben. For the record, I got a £36 refund just a couple of days before Monzo announced the first Plus u-turn.

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Wow what did you have added to your account to be paying that much

This was before they’d let people cancel so they refunded a few of us the full years fee. Aware of a few others who got that.


I think I picked the wrong option. 🤦

I selected full refund as I got back everything I’d paid out towards Plus, but if people have received the whole years fee I guess mine would be partial!

Although as it was taken monthly, receiving the whole year back could be considered a profit/additional goodwill gesture rather than a refund.

I asked about a refund and was told they can’t refund for “original” users of Plus. Not very happy about that, especially when others have been getting the full year refunded back to them. I’ve questioned why this is the case but don’t expect to get a clear answer. I agree that the offering was poor but was willing to give them a chance to build something decent.

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i really cant wait to get hold of a metal card

I had my Plus subscription cancelled yesterday (Early Bird £3) with no refund :roll_eyes:

@katewilliams You said you got the Early Bird refunded right?? I don’t understand why they are picking and choosing.

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Yes, Early Bird £3!

That’s shocking. :confounded:

Edit: Actually, it isn’t at this point. But it’s not on. :frowning:

Cancelled mine yesterday (£3 early bird with travel insurance) and I wasn’t able to get a refund.

Feels a bit unfair for those of us who had joined from it starting.

More than happy they’re going back to the drawing board with this though, will definitely be joining again when it’s re-released!

We’ve split all the discussion about the ‘old’(!) Monzo Plus offerings out from the ‘New’ Monzo Plus exploration thread to try and keep things together. There was a risk of drwning the new work in the remnants of the old otherwise.

Refunds and stuff should continue to be talked about here.

Hi Joe. Welcome to the community!

I am also on the early bird £3 deal

I never got a new card (as happy with my hot coral investor card), but did change my monzo.me link and have drawn down some interest

I have asked (and waiting on Chat, which is really suffering right now as per other threads) what will happen to my custom monzo.me link - as I have never seen it “officially” confirmed on the forum - and then will likely cancel if I get an answer to my taste

I will keep on here on the forum as an interested party, but will hold off joining Plus (or whatever it is then called) again until it presents a fully formed and compelling offering

An inflection point for Monzo and where they go from here will shape things for all of us (hopefully for the very much better!)

Sure thing, @Feathers, thanks

So what happens to the customers that are not on early bird and paying £6 a month for the Plus service, if we don’t cancel will we continue to get charged a monthly fee, will be still be able to get our 12 months of interest on balances?

I’m not sure if I should cancel my membership and restart it once the account offers more again or keep it going?

Is anyone from Monzo here who can give some clarification

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I’m on the £3 a month offer but being told I can’t get a refund, just a cancellation? I’m confused - is this right? Assumed I would get a refund as apart from the £1 interest a month, I’ve not got any of the other benefits. Thanks :slight_smile:

It’s possible but isn’t generally the way Monzo works. Specific advice is ‘in app chat’ territory and while some generic stuff sometimes appears that’s more a function of whoever happens to be passing at the time.

This is predominantly a user forum with only minimal staff interaction.

The thing that has annoyed me is that I asked for a cancellation with a full refund and they just cancelled it and said I couldn’t have a refund. In that situation you should confirm I can’t have a refund and then I should be able to make a decision on whether I want to cancel or not :rage: It’s like they pounced on the fact I said cancel. I think they really want everyone off the early bird deal.

I’m still happy with what I’m getting for 3 quid a month.
The interest on my balance pays for the monthly cost itself.