Legacy Monzo Plus Issues

Another case for the big banks. If they’d have treated paying customers like this you’d have a refund if you asked whether or not the terms say you’re entitled to one just due to the poor service.

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I haven’t asked for a refund or even cancelled by early bird subscription. I am maxing out on the interest so it covers the fees (though I could obviously be earning comparable interest in my Marcus account without paying any fees - so am effectively paying £36 for the year).

My expectation, which I’ll seek to clarify with Monzo at some point, is that this show of goodwill on my part will mean I get to keep my Monzo.me URL when I cancel after the 12-month interest period elapses.

However, since there doesn’t yet seem to be consistency regarding how they treat customers in this respect, I could be proven wrong - which would significantly irritate me.


You would keep your custom URL (and plus card) if you cancelled now. That’s something they have been consistent with.

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Hi @Nsteer, thank you for the reassurance. :+1:

I will confirm with them, and let you know if their response is in any way different.

Then, quite frankly, this proves that when taking customers’ money, it shouldn’t be a Minimum Viable Product approach. Because you end up with this shit show.

Monzo should have had a full policy on the changes to Plus AND refund policy prepared with the latest announcement. Forgetting about the actual product for a moment, it seems Monzo still hasn’t learned from its past mistakes that changing a product as complex as this leads to as many questions as it does answers.

The inconsistencies on refunds are shocking. Someone got it right earlier, that dealing with potential complaints is going to cost more than a blanket refund of everyone.

I took the early bird £3 deal specifically for the .me username change, as I wanted it for a quite specific use amongst work colleagues and friends. I’ve received a few pence of interest, and wasn’t bothered about a blue card or adding on anything else (if anything had ever been built for early birds – it wasn’t). I was somewhat annoyed with Monzo’s unkept side of the deal, in principle really, that ‘swag’ was a clusterf** (with it turning out to be a page of stickers for some, or clothing if Sheri deemed you worthy enough), that ‘events’ turned out to be only in London, and that the discounts were only for new customers to those services – had I actually been able to claim the promised HelloFresh discount I would’ve been quids in, but that too was palmed off by Sheri as HF’s problem, even though, anecdotally she told me other already-customers were awarded that discount.

I would be happy with a straight cancellation and keep the username. Of course, if a full refund of the £12 I’ve paid to date also came through I’d be very happy, but whatever.

To conclude, the way this whole thing has been from start to finish could result in Monzo being a great competitor to Up as a result of the size of the hole it’s still digging.

Monzo, can the entire thing. Take the hit. Refund everyone automatically. Apologise. Draw a line. Look like heroes. Come back with something awesome.


Exactly. All of this is why they shouldn’t be playing the ‘we provided services to early birds’ card. There was so much that still never materialised, or was only accessible to a certain few.


But even that is inconsistent with the advice given to @SouthseaOne:

I see @SouthseaOne has since gone ahead with their cancellation request. Perhaps you could update if you did indeed keep your .me username.

Yeah, I have kept it despite being told it would revert

Everything else cleanly peeled away, or suitably reworked itself, in a literal blink of a eye, including the uncleared feed item for card selection back in June, so genuine props to the person who wrote the cancellation flow (a certain teal flavoured app fell to bits when I CASSed away, for an example where this sort of thing seems to not to have been thought through)

Sorry to anyone if I affect them as a result, but I did report back that it did not revert (I spend my working life managing observations on software, so I guess I can’t help it) and they said they would pass it on to the team

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I had the refund refused, escalated it to a formal complaint (unintentionally actually) because I argued that others had been refunded and plus didn’t live up to the promises and they then offered me a few months refund, which was good enough for me.

Update on refunds and cancellations for existing Monzo Plus customers.

We’ll be automatically refunding all customers who bought The Supporter. We’re doing this because we won’t be delivering on features like metal draws that were in their Terms. The same doesn’t apply to the other bundles so we won’t be refunding them, but if you’re unhappy with your bundle then you can now cancel at any time.

Here’s what will be happening:

  • V1 Monzo Plus Early Adopters £3 / month
    You can cancel at any time, otherwise you’ll continue to receive your interest on your balance and your Monzo Plus card,custom Monzo.me link, and any add-ons you may have, like travel insurance.

  • V1 All other modular customers
    You can cancel at any time, otherwise you’ll continue to receive your interest on your balance, your Monzo Plus card, custom Monzo.me link and any add-ons you may have, like travel insurance.

  • V2 Bundles - Supporter package only
    We’ll be automatically canceling your Supporter package and refunding you any payments you made, plus interest, in the next week. This is because we won’t be delivering on metal card draws and swag which were in the Terms. You’ll be able to keep your Monzo Plus card and custom Monzo.me link.

  • V2 Bundles - Supporter and one other bundle (Traveller or Home)
    We’ll be automatically canceling your Supporter package and refunding you any payments you made, plus interest, in the next week. This is because we won’t be delivering on metal card draws and swag which were in the Terms of The Supporter. The benefits from your other packages will stay on if you choose to keep them. You’ll continue to be billed for these as normal but you can now cancel them any time.

  • V2 Bundles - Traveller and/or Home but not Supporter
    You can cancel these whenever you like. If you choose not to cancel, you’ll continue to receive the benefits of these packages and will continue to be billed each month.

  • V2 Bundles - Traveller, Home and Supporter
    We said that we’d send you a metal card for buying all three bundles but because we’re not doing metal prize draws for The Supporter, it’d be unfair to offer it to you (or anyone else). You’ll be getting an automatic refund for The Supporter like everyone else who bought it in the next week. You can also choose if you want a refund for all three of your bundles because we’re not doing metal. You’ll have 14 days from when we email you to decide if you want the refund on all three bundles, or you can keep your other two bundles which you’ll continue to be billed for and will be able to cancel at any time.


Glad to see some clarity around this situation.:eyeglasses:

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Makes sense :man_shrugging:t2:

Thanks for the clarity.

Are you reaching out on an individual basis as well - given that Monzo will know who bought which Plus bundle - so those not on the forum will know what to do? If so, highlighting which bundle you bought would be beneficial as it’s not always clear (and I’m presuming you guys know who bought what…).

Eg. Gordon - you were on BUNDLEX so can cancel but you won’t receive a refund because…


Hi Tom,

Thanks for clarifying some of this. :slight_smile:

I’m on Plus Early Adopter, you mention that I’ll continue to get features, including the Plus card etc.

Regarding the card, if I require a new one be it through change of personal details, lost card, or other event requiring a replacement, will the replacement still be a Plus card?


It still gives the option in app to order a new Plus card - so id assume so :slightly_smiling_face:

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Perhaps now Tom has that all written out support cases will be consistent as up until now they haven’t been i.e. people getting refunded on early bird and keeping .me link after cancelling (for non-support bundles, doesn’t explicitly state you lose that if cancelling but says you keep it if you don’t…)

Thank you for the clarity on this. However this still doesn’t address the issue of some people getting refunds and others not getting them.

I am an early bird £3pm adopter. I would like to cancel and have a refund for the money I’ve paid as I bought this for the purpose of adding additional features but I’ve never been able to. I think refunding some and not others is very inconsistent and not entirely fair since we’ve paid the same. Could you please reply with what I would get in my case?


So why are some early birds getting refunds? This is the one thing I don’t understand. Either every early bird gets a refund or no one. Simples. I don’t even care about the money it’s the principle.


The same doesn’t apply to the other bundles so we won’t be refunding them,

The point is that you have been refunding them for some people…


Thanks for clearing that up @tomdavies, it sounds messy and I can see why there is a lot for you to sort out :sweat_smile:

I’m an early bird £3 person and have never been allowed to add any extras (insurance etc), therefore I’ve not received anything I was promised just like the other tiers.

I’m unsure as to why that would make me ineligible for a refund. Could you elaborate please?