Just switched to Monzo business my old balance has now disappeared!

hI I was told I needed to switch to monzo business account. Which I did the lite version. But now my balance from my former monzo account has gone! Plus no warning my account number would change this is a mess! Where the hell has the money from my none business account on Monzo gone ?


Also all my old payment ref have gone! this is a nightmare. Nothing has been carried over and no response on live chat. Cant even account my old account number which I need to update for inbound payments . Can anyone from Monzo please assist ?

Sounds like youā€™re viewing only your Business Account. Tap on your profile picture in the top left corner of the screen, and you can switch between Business & Personal accounts.


right thank you for that.appreciated. But they dont give any real info on this. I mean will my current account card still work ? its really badly implemented! And support is so damn slow. I know we have adverse times but still they dont answer live chats. bu thank you @BenLeo For your reply here )

Yes your current account will still work, you opened an additional account and not an account switch


thank you @Rat_au_van found the current account.


Youā€™ve opened a new account so it will have a new number and a new card. Nothings probably ā€œgoneā€ itā€™s all still where it was, in your existing account. You now have 2, one for business and one for personal. I canā€™t think of any bank where they would warn you that your new account would have a different number to your current one - you canā€™t have two accounts with the same number.

I guess, from the context, you thought you were doing some sort of account conversion? Iā€™ve never heard of that so I donā€™t know if itā€™s possible with any bank but itā€™s certainly not ā€˜a thingā€™ with Monzo.

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Thanks @Feathers I did find it as a separate account and spoke to support finally! So I will use my monzo for etsy payments but not my paypal based income at this time.

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