Joint application

I know this has been discussed a lot over the years but couldn’t find anything recent and was really hoping it had changed.
So to switch our old joint bank account to a new Monzo account, we have to open a current account each and then open a joint account and MANUALLY move things over! Much more work than using the ‘switch’ service who do it all for you.

I am so disappointed. I have a business account with Monzo and I have been so impressed with them. Not sure I can be bothered with the hassle of manually moving everything. Does anyone have info as to when this might change? ( or do I just choose a different bank…pondering)

Hi and welcome to Monzo community!

You can find information about switching from a Joint to a Joint current account here :slight_smile:

Hi littleT, welcome to the community.

You can’t have a Monzo joint account without both of you also having a personal account. But once you’ve created your joint account, you can use the Current Account Switching Service to move everything over from your current Joint account to your Monzo joint account.

(I’ve checked my app to verify, and I can select my joint when choosing to “switch”.)

See the link jo shared for more info.

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Takes 5 mins to open a personal, and then once both approved, two mins for a joint account.


And then a load of time and hassle to sort all the DDs etc as I cant use the Switch service as I would already have an account!

That’s not correct.

In fact, you have to have an account first.

Open personal account, open joint account, switch your joint to joint.

Take you half hour at most.

Thank you! I will give it a go


This is from Monzo chat. I can’t use the Switch service so would have to contact all the companies I pay DDs which is a pain.
Am I missing something?


It would seem like the person you’ve spoken to is mistaken, or the below guide is now outdated.

Joint to joint switching is possible

Monzo outsourced first line support is borderline incompetent. Quelle surprise.


It’s unfair to judge the support person without knowing what you said, but you can switch joint to joint as multiple people have explained to you.

I switched an RBS joint into Monzo joint last year around November, so you can do it.

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You definitely can switch from a joint account into Monzo joint account. (You can’t switch a joint into a sole account).

Once your joint account is open just go into it in the Monzo app and select the option to switch to Monzo and follow the instructions as shown in screenshot I’ve just taken.

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