‘And we’ll send you a shiny new joint account card too – with a different design so it’s easy to tell it apart from your old one.’
Note the ‘easy to tell it apart’ bit which it most certainly is not! Having ‘Joint Account’ written on the same coloured card does not make it EASY to tell apart.
Received new joint account cards yesterday - after a mistake (sending out old design ones).
The new ones are identical to the old ones, except for ‘Joint account’ in one corner.
Absolutely useless. How many people have a wallet or purse that actually holds cards in such a way as to show the difference? This was a mistake, Monzo. We’re cancelling our joint account, as we both feel this is a ridiculous decision which is clearly the result of putting branding above UX.
Literally the entire premise of Monzo is that they do not follow the conventions of the high street banks. this was an opportunity to improve UX. It failed.
Your disbelief makes all sorts of tacit assumptions about the visual ability of both parties to differentiate these cards effectively in day-to-day situations. So thanks for that.
Even if the label’s not visible in your wallet / purse, I generally don’t struggle to remember which order I put my cards in, in my wallet..I’d just keep them separate, one at the bottom, one at the top or whatever.
But if you’re willing to cancel your joint account over this then you obviously don’t value it much anyway so that’s fine
Indeed not - it was an experiment; we don’t need it; the ability to distinguish easily between cards is currently of more use to us than having a joint Monzo account - we’ll keep using our existing joint account (very different card design, simply by nature of being a different bank) as we have been, as there’s no benefit to having the Monzo one at the moment.
(And again, that’s great that your lack of issue with this forms your assumptions about others)
As you say a different bank has a different design, but it’s presumably the same as their single accounts?
I’m curious as to what benefits you thought a Monzo joint account would provide over a personal Monzo account? The feature set should be the same in theory.
I suspect more work will be done on card designs in the future but the simplicity of just having the text in the corner makes it easy enough to distinguish in my view. Although I do appreciate it could be more clear.
Yes, absolutely (again - Monzo’s premise is that they’re doing things differently).
Just the potential convenience of having everything in one place - but with Faster Payments, etc., the draw isn’t strong enough if the existing arrangement is satisfactory and easy enough to use / manage.
Monzo is one big experiment at the moment - some things will work for people, and some won’t. I like the UX of my account, in general. The app seems to be getting a bit bloated since they added the last couple of features, so I hope they do some optimisation soon (~5s to balances loaded and app ready to take input, after FaceID has finished, on an iPhone X - that used to be sub-1s).
I should note at this point that I have evangelised quite a bit for Monzo - as I do for any company which I feel is getting it more right than wrong. I’ve handed out more than my share of golden tickets. This one was a frustrating experience, though - from the misfire with the old card design, to the near-pointless barely-different new card design which doesn’t appear to have taken into account actual UX.