Totally agree. This is a missed opportunity for another bright colour of card IMO.
Using the same colour for these distinct accounts is a genuine problem which many customers pointed out in advance. Customers aren’t always right, but if hundreds tell you the same thing, thousands will be suffering in silence without telling you.
Monzo should be listening to their customers here.
I think ‘suffering’ is a bit strong a word but I see what you mean.
Genuine question, who else differentiates like this? My experience of banking is that a ‘current account’ has a single card design, single joint or other. Have I just banked in the wrong places for the last 30 years?
I’ve never ever seen a different style of joint card either. I do feel the design of a card should be considerably lower down the priority list but that’s just my opinion
It’s never been a problem before because I either had a sole or joint account, never both. It’s not a problem now because the only reason that I have both cards is because the bank makes it a requirement. My sole card is kept in a drawer. In fact to go further I have to question the concept of my money and our money in a relationship close enough to have a joint account.
That’s the point. Monzo isn’t your typical bank so why should they follow everyone else in doing what is always done. After all their strapline is:
This isn’t banking as you know it
I just think it’s a missed opportunity to again be a little bit different and have another nice brightly coloured card that’s all. I certainly won’t lose any sleep over it
Starling differentiates business and personal cards with colours. They’ve just launched new cards in an interesting new format:
Tide also have this portrait format now with the boring stuff on the back and a more minimal front, I quite like it, think it’s more stylish than the current Monzo card which is quite old fashioned with its raised numbers.
I tend to use different banks for joint accounts (never understood why people want the same bank for everything), and have several relatives who have issues with having similar cards for say business and personal and getting them mixed up. Having to check the card to refer to the card no or some logo on it is not as easy as seeing the difference in the wallet instantly with colour.
Not a huge point, but lots of people want it, and there is very little downside for Monzo I feel. I imagine they went with one colour for branding reasons, but this will come up again and again if they launch business accounts.
Yeah, but splitting the brand in that way just because they could doesn’t mean they should.
Customers have a fair amount of say in what goes on here but it will never be blind obedience on Monzo’s side.
I always struggle with this since I don’t really think any of us are qualified to make that sort of judgement in an informed manner. You may well be right, I don’t know.
I’ve had a sole account and a joint account with the Nationwide at the same time before, but the cards were different because I used different account types (FlexAccount and FlexPlus)
My parents only have a joint account, so isn’t a problem for them.
My brother and his partner, however, both use HSBC for sole and joint, and now have two identical cards each.
My view is Monzo have been very good at elegantly solving little things you didn’t even realise were actual problems for you, but by mandating that joint account holders must also hold a sole account, and using the same card colour, have ended up with a very inelegant problem, and a half-assed solution by simply printing the word ‘joint’ on the card.
Starling’s different card colours are, for me, much more delightful. Monzo has got a bit bogged down with the success of the Hot Coral to the point that it negatively affects, somewhat, the user experience.
It was only a suggestion. I never said that they HAVE TO do this otherwise they’re going to ruin Monzo
It certainly isn’t splitting the brand! CA and JA are two different products so it makes sense to differentiate the two . I’d understand if the colour I suggested was totally random but it is part of their palette.
Late to this particular party as ive just searched on cards as my wife and i have just opened a JA with monzo.
My view on these portrait cards is that while i (along with everybody else) do insert it into a cash machine in portrait, i hold it landscape when tapping against a contactless reader so i don;t understand how turning portrait makes it more modern.
As for the numbers, if they’re all on the back, i assume they are visible along with the security code? That means one snap of somebody’s camera and they have all the details needed to use your card online. If the security code is separate from the rest its more secure.
And the raised numbers serve a purpose (albeit very rare) in that should systems go down, the ancient machines can be used to take card payments which do a ‘rubbing’ of the card