Issues with transferring money from Halifax

I have tried sending money to my monzo account this morning but it isn’t showing up on the app, however Halifax have confirmed that the money has been sent somewhere… where has it gone? Is anyone else having this issue?

Triple check the details you entered to send the money. The sort code catches people out.

If Monzo had the money, they’ll show it in your account. It could have gone elsewhere. Was it a large amount that could be being checked for money laundering purposes?

If you’re 100% sure the details are correct, then ask Halifax for a TRN reference, Monzo can then try and track this payment in the network.

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I believe we are aware there are payment issues from with Lloyds Banking Group.

Not sure if it’s us or LBG as a whole.

If it’s not arrived within a day, get the Transaction Reference Number and send it in via chat and we can take a look :crossed_fingers:t3:

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You can keep an eye on our status page too:


I wish I’d have looked on here first … I’ve just transferred £40 from Halifax to Monzo and it’s not there … I’m so pissed what is happening???

Yeah I’ve transferred money from my Lloyds account but it’s not showing up in my Monzo account, yet it has left my Lloyds account.

This isn’t a Monzo issue fyi.

It’s a Lloyds issue.

Edit: Lloyds, Halifax and Bank of Scotland suffer IT glitch | Daily Mail Online

Until I clicked that link and read the article, I’d not even realised it was pay day yesterday :rofl: