Issue with Full switch to Monzo

(Full switches are covered by the Current Account Switch Guarantee, so if anything goes wrong you won’t be left out of pocket. And we’ll make sure any payments to your old account always make it to the right place, even after your old account is long gone)

Have you contacted Monzo about this, in-app chat? or via email?

Assuming there was an issue here originally?

It seems the OP edited their post.

As others have said. Best to contact in app support, hopefully they can explain the situation to you.

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I’ve looked at the post history and it sounds like the old bank did not fully complete the switch.

As others have said, get in contact with our support and we will sort it with the other bank. The Current Account Switch Guarantee covers exactly this. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, I made the original post. I have since edited it and taken it off as I wouldn’t like people to be hesitant to switch or not switch to Monzo because off me.

I have had a great experience with Monzo however the full switch hasn’t worked for me as I am now in my overdraft and having to move money from my Monzo account back to my old account to cover costs which is not the best.

I would have recommended leaving your original post as it may be helpful for anyone else in the future who comes across the same issue as you.


Agree with @danmullen

I’ve just seen this conversation and it makes no sense without the initial question :confused:


It’s usually better to keep the original post and add an edit to the bottom so it’s clear what’s gone on.

Yeah I think he gets it… :smiley:

I posted that this morning and for some reason has only just appeared.

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