Is Monzo a robber? Leave my money in Monzo and not transfer it to me!

And to answer your questions whether Monzo is a robber. No! They have a legal obligation to protect everyone from money laundering!


I saw a group called “Monzo stole our money” on Facebook. Many people’s accounts inside were closed by Monzo, and their money could not be transferred out. And the people inside said that monzo sometimes does not refund all money in the account. There was a person who had £4,000 in his monzo account, and in the end monzo only transferred him £2 after monzo closed his account.

I am so worried that monzo is holding the money and not returning it to me in full.

If you got a final response and it wasn’t resolved, there should be details on that response for escalating the response to the ombudsman. This is the next step for banking complaints after internal complaints procedures have been exhausted.

Will Monzo transfer all the money out?

Don’t read stories on the internet. You don’t know all the facts and people like to exaggerate and stretch the truth to create drama and get reactions.

Something you’ve done has triggered the alert, if you’ve done nothing wrong you’ve noting to worry about. Millions upon millions of others are fine - trust them over a handful on facebook.

There was a person who had £4,000 in his monzo account, and in the end monzo only transferred him £2 after monzo closed his account.

This means the NCA - not Monzo, but the NCA aka the police decided the money legally didn’t belong to that person. Ie. that person is a thief and Monzo rightfully returned the money to someone he had stolen it from.

Be careful who you listen to and support online.


Yes. I have got a final response. But my complaint is to get my money back quickly, and the final answer is that they will not change the decision to close my account. Don’t you think monzo did not understand my complaint correctly?

Either way, the ombudsman is the next step.


I just think monzo should communicate with me, it would be better to make a phone call to make it clear.

They have communicated. You just don’t like the answer so you ignore it.

You have two options.

  1. Wait.
  2. Financial ombudsman.

Or actually 3, do both of the above.


Thanks for your reply.

Thanks for your sharing.

But when I filled out the bank account information that accepts money in the app, I saw monzo saying “The amount we return could change”. Isn’t it possible that the money will not be refunded in full?

But I saw monzo saying “The amount we return could change”. Isn’t it possible that the money will not be refunded in full?

Of course it’s possible. But only if you’re guilty of something. Like I said, if you’ve done nothing wrong you’ve nothing to worry about.

Thank you for your reply. But, to be honest, if you don’t get the money back, you can’t sleep well all day.

This topic is going nowhere fast.

You want your money. You’re not getting your money in the “standard timescale” of 2-4 weeks for [reason]. You want someone to give you a fast track to get your money. There is none. Go back to the start.


Hi there,

We’re sorry to see you’re having trouble with your account at the moment. Unfortunately this isn’t something we can help out with here on the forum.

The best place to get this sorted out is through our in-app chat, or by email at Our team will be happy to investigate what’s happened here.
