I have two screens of icons (with a couple of widgets) then the rest are just in the app library.
Out of all the icons on those two pages, Monzo was the only one without a proper dark icon and as I don’t use it as my main bank and have other banks that do support the dark icon, why not swap it for a consistent look
I guess you don’t use the discourse app then, it is by far the brightest icon in my first page.
The icons matters least for an app as it’s how the app is to use not the button I hit to run it that affects my choice as the icon won’t make the app any better to use but then again in iOS 17 there were people who would sit and redo all their icons using shortcuts app to launch to get a custom dashboard although I never met a single soul who did that.
Looking above monzo just needs to switch out the very dark blue with a gradient black and its done, just like the google photos icon. That’s all chase did although they would have stood out far more being a white background icon unlike the monzo dark blue.
I’m not saying I don’t use apps without dark icons, I have plenty installed. It just happened that every app I use regularly and keep on the home screen(s) added support very quickly except for Monzo. If there had been others then it wouldn’t have stood out and annoyed me.
Exactly, which is probably why people are annoyed that it’s taken so long for such a small change.