IOS 14: can't log in / Magic link not working

So I just suffered the same fate at others where I had been kicked out. I’ve downgraded, logged in and then upgraded to get around it so thanks for the workaround.

I get that iOS 14 is a beta and you download at your own risk, but to me it sounds like something in the last update caused the issue as opposed to it being an iOS 14 specific issue (otherwise the workaround would not exist right)? So is this not more a testing Miss with the last build before release?

  1. Can I sign up/ log in on iOS 13 :white_check_mark:
  2. Can I sign up/log in on iOS 14 :negative_squared_cross_mark:

So it looks like I am now being kicked out the app more frequently so have downloaded the 3.46 build and will just have to put up with the crash messages until solved.

When ??? I use Monzo as my main account and cannot access my money. How do I revert to 3.46 in the meantime? I’m an unhappy customer and considering
Moving to starling permanently :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Hi there I have this issue as well. May I ask how you downloaded the precious test flight version? I’m on 3.47 at present and can’t get logged in. Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Open test flight app and click on Monzo (do not click open as this will launchMonzo app)
Scroll down to previous builds and select older version, I found 3.46 worked for me.



Hi Daz thank you I figured it out and am
Back online. Woo! I emailed help team yesterday but they didn’t advise me of this workaround. I’ve sent them a further email to advise. Thanks again. John

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I’m getting a similar issue leaving me unable to login to monzo on my phone running the latest iOS beta.

The magic link emails don’t come through at all until long after they have expired. I’ve confirmed this isn’t a problem at my end as other emails are coming through fine

Also, I should add that this highlights a flaw in the login process. There is no backup option/support/help available as you cannot access this without being logged into the app. The vast majority of monzo users aren’t going to bother coming onto the forums to find out why they can’t log in and are going to be left frustrated. May I suggest adding a “need help logging in” button when a user is unable to login after a certain number of tries.

Can’t log in on iOS

Details to reproduce:
Open app
Click log in
Enter email address
Receive email
Click link
Notice that the app opens but just opens the Home Screen again
Get stuck in a loop

iOS 14

iPhone X

App Version:
Not sure - latest


Yep, same here.

Tried TF version and App Store version, neither work.

Issue is clearly with iOS14 as my wife is fine (iOS13).

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This is 100% your own fault.


Clearly you haven’t read what’s been put in this thread…

You need to downgrade back to iOS 13 or suck it up and keep using beta software.

I guess a workaround would be to downgrade to iOS 13, login to Monzo, upgrade back to iOS 14.

Beta software, especially the operating system, explicitly says in the notes to not install on your main device, for this very reason. Some things simply won’t work because developers haven’t updated their app. By all means have a moan at Monzo if this is still an issue once iOS 14 has been released to the general public.


It’s a beta OS.

Do. Not. Download. If. You. Expect. All. Apps. To. Work.

Enjoy Starling.


If you have access to Testflight then you just need to install an older build from Testflight.

Open Testflight, click on the Monzo Logo (not Open or Install). Scroll down to Previous builds and click it. Select any previous build from before 3.46.0 and install that. Relog back in via Magic Link and re-upgrade to 3.48.0 .

If you do not have access to Testflight then its downgrading to iOS 13.


Specific builds in TestFlight work to let you login, but have other issues.

Aside from the unhelpful “it’s beta software so tough luck” comments, it does pose an interesting thought about banking formats like this where your options in times of trouble with a device are very limited. I think the web app should have more critical functionality for situations where you lose access to the account through the phone whether it’s because you lost the device or any other reason.

It’s not unhelpful, it’s the factual truth. This is clearly explained when downloading the beta. Stating that it’s not working is fine, but to COMPLAIN it’s not working is a different matter, much less moving your entire bank over due to it.


That’s the whole point of a beta version of an OS or an app, to see what doesn’t work so that it can be fixed prior to the public release :thinking:


Yes, so saying “Hey Monzo this isn’t working just FYI” is one thing.

Saying “this is unacceptable I can’t believe Monzo haven’t fixed this I’m moving to Starling :rage:” is another.

I’m shocked you can’t see the difference.


This is exactly why I’d never put Beta software on a device that I rely on certain apps or functions for.


I do it, but I’m a maverick, and I’m not going to complain about it not working :man_shrugging:

But yea, I 100% endorse not doing it.