Hi, I invited a friend using my link that should have bumped me up 4000 places (I am currently about 1600 places from the top) but it doesn’t seem to have done so. I previously invited another friend and I was bumped up almost immediately after he created the account. Is this something you can fix for me?
Hey @Qin108!
It’s probably best to give Customer Operations an email: help@monzo.com so they can look into this for you
Does that work now? With existing customers and investors automatically at the top of the queue I’d be surprised if bumping up made much difference.
Well, I waited for about 2 weeks and went from position number 60000 to about 6000. I invited one friend and got moved up to 2000 — I am now 1600. I just invited another friend which should have put me at the top of the queue now, but it doesn’t seem to have been credited.
Of course you could say that I could just wait for a while longer as I’m already at 1600, but I have been stuck at 1600 for almost a week now, so as I’m sure you’ll appreciate I am sliiiiiightly impatient (though I did know this was what I was signing up for) and if I can cut the queue so to speak, I’d like to. Lol
Thank you, I have done that now!
Totally, however I don’t think the front of the queue is actually moving at the moment so
I guess I have no choice but to wait then!