Introducing the new Monzo Plus

Yep, that’s exactly how it works! Just pay for all your subscriptions on a virtual card and if you lose your physical card, the subscription payments will just keep going through on the virtual card :slightly_smiling_face: .


Not yet it seems. Per @richardcadman comment above it suggests only personal account funding for now and now tweaks otherwise

I would love for virtual apply pay cards too.

Some of the things I use Pots and IFTTT for could be entirely managed by that alone. (Though appreciate the extra work)

Are there any limits to how many Virtual Cards? :eyes:


Are there any limits to how many Virtual Cards? :eyes:

You can have five at any time, but if you close one, you can open a new one.


We include the investor tag on the back, along with the rest of the details.

I’ll see if anyone on the team can share a picture…


And If I cancel one what happens when a payment is attempted? Assume rejected rather than just taken from the current account?

Yea, I’d imagine - as it’s treated just like a normal card. ie. isn’t valid.

No metal card yet then :eyes:

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Any chance the google sheet could import all your history too?

And next question. Sorry…

Is there a limit to custom categories?

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I think this looks great, so congrats all!

I don’t think it’s quite for me, sadly as I do all my spending from my credit cards and keep very little money in Monzo.

The interest on account balance means I might sign up for three months and keep some money here to try the virtual cards. Also, account aggregation will be worth it for me once it supports Amex.

It’s a bit of a shame that joint accounts aren’t supported as for the above reason my Joint Account is used much more

Also, does the early release mean no dance-off? @tjvr


Looking forward to trying the new Plus out, I was one of the early adopters.

I’ll judge new plus on new plus (no preconceptions) all I ask is that this time, please don’t release it, then months down the line have a pivot and close off the features again. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with it :slight_smile:

What happend to those already using connected credit cards? That used to be a free feature that is now paid.

Yes, it’s [checks notes] …fifty. Mostly because the UI gets unwieldy if you have that many :sweat_smile:

And again, that’s at any one time, so you can archive one to make a new one.


You’ll get this option when you first connect!


I’ll be trying this out, the special offer is good. But really hope the AMEX integration comes soon then I’ll be happy.


No option for Plus on the latest testflight?

Guessing we need to download the normal app from the App Store?

PS great launch :tada: well done all

Yep :+1:t2:

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Yeppers. Shift back to the main app for now.

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Yup, looks like 3.41.1 didn’t go to TestFlight :+1: