Introducing the new Monzo Plus

Can you explain how you did this if you don’t mind?! This would literally make my day.

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Virtual Cards linked to pots needs to be a thing, my only complaint really, don’t offer me anything really otherwise


You’ll retain what you already have it set to.

Answered earlier as no, I believe. Existing names stay.

Nope, if you changed it in Old Plus it’s still there.

Agreed. Virtual Cards from Pots would be great, and allow me to move my card based subscriptions to come from my Bill Pot.


First monzo plus was too!

At least we now know Monzo’s been holding back features for a paid service. As we all suspected for a long while.

I’ve seen this asked but not (I think) answered.

If I skip the fancy new card in the sign up flow, will I automatically get the Plus card when my current card expires?

So if you set up a virtual card for a weeks trial. You can instantly delete it without any issues to the service? This could be an improvement on Monese offering of the one virtual card (albeit its free)

Can anyone answer a couple of questions about the google sheets integration.

How often does it update?
If a category gets changed does the sheet get updated?

Also with the custom categories do you choose what percentage goes to each category or is it just assigning two categories to a payment?

+1 in the feedback box from me.


Yea, it’s been removed I believe.

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When it hits joint accounts I’m in all the way


My understanding is that it updates on every transaction in real time.

Splitting lets you choose a monetary amount to assign to each category.

You could use the holo card image from the app library?;

Obviously Virtual Card linked to a pot is a no brainer, and surprising it isn’t like that anyway.

How easy or how long will it take to implement this feature?

I tried that first :sweat_smile: I wasn’t a fan as it looked like a new account and I felt that I’d get confused between that and my main account when my new card arrives.

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Signed up without a second thought thanks to the (very welcome) discount for Old Plus veterans.

Absolutely brilliant! :tada: Everything works, everything is easy to use and this 100% makes managing my money easier and provides £5 worth of value.


Isn’t credit scores available for free already? or did they do something sneaky here?

We’re really excited to let you know that we’ve been working on showing you your credit score, for free, right inside the Monzo app!