Introducing the new Monzo Plus

This is amazing!
AYOOOOOOOOO! :heart_eyes::fire:


I like your comment regarding round ups. Being able to round up to the next pound is far more valuable then x5 x20. In other words if a product costs £1.90 then it’d round up to either £2 or £3 etc. Call it round up and add another pound!


Ah, yea, someone else said that earlier about it happening. I think @kieranmch or @tjvr said that it’s an issue on Capital One’s side :frowning:

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I repeat my request to have someone else dance for me. @eli_s’s gif game is strong…

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Damn this is verging on insulting, be polite at least next time.

This reads as I didn’t get what I want and until I do will call it a failure.

Several use cases for various parts of it that will appeal to people, look outside your one-person bubble and you will see that.


Have to say I’m pretty impressed with the implementation and the features. Big well done from me to the team.

Am hoping that the extra premium version of this won’t be far behind now that travel and restaurant visits are a reality again :+1:

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Signed up! Don’t mind supporting Monzo development for this kind of price and holding out hope for additional products to bolt on like insurance if that’s on the roadmap!


I can understand people feeling disappointed by the software paywall, but personally I’m ok with it. I’d only end up using another app which would likely go subscription in the future anyway!

One thing I would like though before going ahead with Plus, is knowing what the plan is for the future. Is there a roadmap of what you guys plan to add?


Ive seen other companies list them separately, one example below of JL “coming soon” to their platform

So what you’re saying is this product is not for you? The good thing is, I don’t think Monzo are forcing anyone to sign up.



Ah right ok, cheers! Not that big of a deal as the cards aren’t really used much anyway - but it’d have been nice to remove the capital one app from my phone and just use monzo! :smiley:

I guess it’d depend on if they have the OB implementation already. :thinking: I don’t think there’s a list of banks that Monzo are working on currently unfortunately.

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Open Banking requires a re-authentication/addition every 90 days of the account. So you’d have to download & add the cards back in every 90 days.

I’ve been doing that using Truelayer for about a year. Every Amex transaction gets put into an Amex pot and the direct debit is paid from there. Costs £0 to run. I assume Monzo doesn’t want to use Truelayer though.

Removing cardholder names from the front surprised me (when I know US merchants can be picky about layout). Presumably you decided there shouldn’t be an issue there?

Would be nice to have the card shimmer on screen when you tilt your phone. :sweat_smile:


Been a monzo user since alpha (user 1540), and I’m almost as impressed by Plus 2.0 as I was monDo originally, great job guys.

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What about our custom payment links. Do we lose those?

Good point! They can go in iOS 14’s App Library :smirk: (don’t @ me Android’s :joy:)


Same :+1: