Meet @brenda and @CampbellProsser! They’re going to be trialling a new project where some of our Customer Operations team (COps) spend some time working here on the forum!
They’ll be helping out with the day-to-day business of keeping the forum ticking over. So get in touch with them if there’s anything they can help with. Or just to say hello
Yes. As an Englishman I regard Scotland and Wales as foreign countries and hence to me abroad, though obviously not overseas As for northern Ireland, that is both a foreign country and overseas
If I was living in any of those countries I would vote for the nationalist parties, and in any independence referendum Yes, in order to (a) free them from the rule of Westminster, and (b) without dissolving the UK my own country England will never be free to express it’s distinct identity.
However, that is not the topic of this thread, so back to the topic please!
You’ll have to ask him, am afraid! Sadly, he never did slide into my DMs.
I do! Honestly though, I didn’t grow up with pets, but my neighbour has two lovely cats that I catsit for often.
This is perhaps a little basic, but, eat! Living in London has not been great for the waistline. I also love listening to podcasts, so if you add any recommendations, give me a shout! Also, I’ve just started playing Skyrim, which I expect will take up loads of my time. (Not a gamer in the slightest, but learning!)
I imagine resisting the temptations of food in London is extremely difficult. As a little towns boy who visits London once a year I’m always lost on where to eat.
And Huston we have a podcast which is the official podcast from NASA’s Kennedy space centre which I think speaks for itself if you like all things space.