Introduce yourself 👋

I have just learnt there’s an app

I’m off to check it out. Thanks @Ordog

Checked it out, it’s amazing. I have all my communities in one place, really nice to use :slight_smile: I wonder how notifications work :thinking:


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Hey all,

I just signed up to the waiting list for US Monzo use. I’m one of the 100k or so Simple users that have been devastated by the recent news that Simple is closing. I’m frantically seeking out new banking systems and so far have come up with nothing even close to what Simple did. It SEEMS like it sounds like Monzo is close to that, but some of the budgeting functionality is quite as comprehensive.

Anyways, I hope to become a member soon and utilize what tools I can and maybe even help out here for others like me who were previously budgeting-challenged and were saved by Simple. And can’t any longer be. (Thanks PNC Bank you pieces of $^#%!)


Welcome to the :mondo: Monzo Community

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Hi Pete @nebulon5

Welcome to the Monzo :mondo: community

Sorry to hear the news about Simple. Not directly encountered them myself - I was last in the States in 2012 and banking seemed pretty prehistoric still - but I can see they meant a lot to people

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Archaic isn’t even the right word. I came to Simple because I KNEW there had to be a better solution than the rapery of fees that 90% of the financial institutions carry here. Simple was a godsend in so many ways.

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My favourite was the ATM from HSBC - my main UK bank at the time - in the under-undercroft of Penn Station and it looked like one of the original Cylons

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Sounds like you may have just missed out on Simple! They launched in beta in mid 2012. And so began the banking revolution.

Simple are the reason I developed a deep interest in the fintech sector.

Outside of electric cars and renewable energy, I believe fintech to be one of the most exciting innovations of our time. Simple remain the gold standard for me, but Monzo are closest to matching what they offered.

Hi Charlie & welcome :wave:

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Hello everyone!

I have been working at Monzo for nearly a year now, I can’t believe it has been that long and I haven’t posted on the forum before!

Looking forward to getting involved :blush:

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Hi Rosheen & welcome :wave:

Nice to see you in the forum :smile: - what role do you have at :monzo:if you don’t mind me asking?

Hello and welcome :wave: Great to see more Monzonauts getting involved on here.

Don’t forget to have your flare added to your account :slight_smile:

Thank you so much!

I’m working on it! It should have been added automatically but things never work smoothly for me :laughing:

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Hello hello!

I am under the COps umbrella, so I work on our frontline from time to time helping out with customer service.

But my main job role is elsewhere, which is top secret I’m afraid :laughing:

I’m a busy bee, as are we all!


A statement like that is guaranteed to start a guessing game



Is rosheenfrommonzo even your real name :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :laughing:

Guess away my friends :zipper_mouth_face:

My family are Irish, but I can confirm ‘frommonzo’ is not my real name :wink:


I think it’s just something you don’t want us forum nerds to know about because it would come after every single thing you post.

Like telling kids that you’re actually Santa. Wait. Maybe you are Santa :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Convenient that you’ve joined at the quiet time of year and didn’t post during December when you were extremely busy.

Monzo bot - Remind me on 24/12/2021 to check for Rosheenfrommonzonotherreallastname

Maybe I am :thinking:

Monzo chief dog handler/petter.

If this is acutally a real job I’d also like to apply please :blush:

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