If I buy a takeaway on my card for me and a friend worth 10 quid (5 each) and then get sent 5 quid by my friend I should be able to assign that income against the takeaway in the spending tab so that the spending tab is accurate (shows 5 not 10)
(Alex Sherwood)
14 December 2016 14:22
This issue has also been discussed here -
I have just received a refund for an item I purchased last month, but now that it’s refunded it is accounting in this months spending targets.
It would be nice if there was a way to ‘allocate’ the refund to the correct month/purchase so that my spending is a true representation of my months spending.
This my be an overkill feature, but I use Monzo as a budgeting tool and in This current process it’s becomes a little more difficult to see my total spending per month.
& more recently, investigated here -
So to clarify, should the monthly total spent be the sum of all debits minus credits?
When the sending money feature was released on android I tried it out and the money I received wasn’t included, which I find a bit annoying.
I used the app to chat to Monzo and they confirmed that it isn’t a bug and isn’t supposed to be included but this post here is saying the opposite?
I have a feeling this will be fixed pretty soon -
Yeah, that’s something we need to fix too. We’re about to start working on money requests and bill splitting so we’ll add this to the list. Thanks!