If you haven't moved over, what's stopping you from making Monzo your main bank?

The marketplace that is extremely advertised as beta, is opt-in only, and from their notes under agile development (e.g. using web not phone code)… It’s dumped in the account section to minimise new coding (which has stricter processes to follow). All that aside, with the eventual spending update, things might shift a bit?

Tap the number and you should get the option for precise amount. I feel like there should be an in-app notification explaining this sort of development.


Really?? Thanks I’ll have a wee look at that later as that would be useful.

To be honest I’ve moved over to the CA but a few things will stop me making it my main account. CASS closes your other account …what if monzo goes bust and I have to get another account quickly. The challenger bank space is getting quite saturated someone will fail I think. I have been told I can’t use monzo.me as the limit is zero due to I’d issues. I would like to know how an account that hasn’t photo ID differs from a full account. I suppose I’ll find out eventually but the staff on chat were a bit clueless. I don’t mind losing my overdraft but as I now can credit monzo thru bank transfer for free the threat of top up fees becomes irrelevant especially since I have revolut as a back up now.

CASS doesn’t have to close your old account. There’s an option to leave it open.

Any bank could go bust at any time. You could always have more than one account, plenty people do.


Mainly the UX. It is good, but I prefer Starling for making payments.

I have my salary going into Monzo, but Direct Debits coming out of Starling. I’m waiting and seeing really. If Monzo improve payments I’ll move fully over. If Starling allow you to search your transactions then I’ll move fully to them.

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Given their long term plans, I think this belongs there. It could have its own tab, but how often are you going to open a new account?

  • They will rename Account → Accounts (I think this was in a screenshot somewhere)
  • You go to accounts to add a new account, whether from Monzo or elsewhere
  • If from elsewhere, you need the marketplace to choose it, therefore it belongs under accounts.
  • In the very long term I hope they’ll show balances and even transactions for separate accounts under there using open banking so you can keep tabs on your savings say, while keeping one main feed for all your transactions.

Not sure why they haven’t just renamed the Account tab already to plural, as really pots are just like accounts without the banking stuff exposed like direct debits and account nos (I know people think they are somehow unique and different, don’t @ me) - I suspect eventually pots will become fully fledged accounts to support request for payments from/to pots or joint accounts.

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This is incorrect up to when I left Halifax, not sure if it’s changed. For CASS you had to close your account, or else it was a manual switch that wasn’t covered by the scheme.

In that case then, it has changed - you can now perform a partial switch.

Partial switch is not covered with same sort of gauretees in place for full switch which is done via CASS

From bacs



And from Barclays:



@MrMr :yum:

(Sorry, by manual - I meant manual for the bank)

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Yeah. It’s still CASS, and you can have all your payments switched (it was within 7 days for me IIRC). You just don’t get the guarantees and future payments redirected.

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What’s important for me to fully move over:

  1. joint accounts

  2. non-app alternative so i can access all my money easily if i cant access my mobile device i.e. Internet Banking

  3. fully suport international transactions

  4. paper statements (proof of address, & “original” (non-copied/printed) bank statements often requested for applying for financial aid/certificates, etc.)

  5. an easy way to deposit cash - if Monzo wants us to work towards a cash-free existence then Monzo should be more willing to help us get rid of it. (Which is precisely why i deposit cash in the first place.)

  6. 3D secure/confidence in acceptability

  7. photo cheques (faster & no lost in mail scenario)

im guessing im doing a fair job of summing up the majority of complaints, save OD fees (as im not looking to OD - and by that i mean Over Draft, tho other meanings of OD likely not either) and that i absolutely couldn’t care less about Apple Pay. (^ ⌔ ^)

all that aside… im greatly looking forward to future experiences with Monzo, and feel confident that Monzo will ultimately provide us with the majority’s “legacy” banking requirements as well as up-to-date, cutting edge banking tech. that will make many people’s lives so much easier.


These are already here. Can be requested via in app chat. They come with a posh stanp too!!


ooow i like posh stamps!
thanks :wink:

I’m desperately waiting for an excuse to request one. I might request a wax seal on it as well. I suspect I won’t get far with that


I’ll probably be 100 by the time I need one sent to me and then I’ll get it mixed up with my telegram from whoever the Monarch is then…

The wax seals on heraldic scrolls from the College of Arms are amazing. They are huge and have a metal cover around them to protect them (though many remove them if they displaying them)

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:rofl: awesome!

The only thing stopping me is CASS. :frowning:

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The CASS that was announced yesterday?