Been too long already really when other banks did it quickly such as starling.
This is a thing all banks have but not Monzo, yet you are spreading out to the USA but still no IBAN? I don’t understand it.
I remember last year when it was on the trello for less than 6 months but now who knows if it is coming.
Would be nice to have an actual update on an eta even if just a rough one. Surely it can’t go from less than 6 months a year ago, not now having no eta at all?
Let me start with a caveat here: I have no facts to base my statements on, I am surmising/guessing/…
With all the work which has gone on reecntly for Monzo to take FasterPayements in house I am not surprised this has not yet happened; I would immagine the teams responsible for integrating with IBAN/SEPA are the same as the teams who do the did the FasterPayments work.
I hope this means that they will be able to pick up again wherever they left off and this may appear soon .
Another case of Monzo doing things half way. Release a feature but don’t develop it beyond that so it doesn’t really work.
Starling appear far more advanced at this point.
I’m pretty sure you’re right and it is the same team that’s been working on the in house Faster Payments processor. I’d also guess that it’s the same team that have had a lot of regulatory work on SCA to do recently too.
The feature hasn’t been introduced at all so I’m not sure the analogy stands up (z then it’s blown away by the pointless Starling reference. )
The problem with many of these ‘features’ being described as partial is the use age they get. I get the impression that we’re really getting as many ‘everyone’ features as possible (biased towards those using salary deposit in and bills out) with the rest of the more niche features following along later.
(My use of the word niche is more about the number of users for a thing than whether other banks provide a thing. I put IBAN in that category only because I’ve been banking since I was 18 and I’ve never used an IBAN yet. Not a representative sample, I admit.)
My dad receives his salary via a international transfer that requires IBAN.
I sometimes buy stuff off people in niche and private online communites that I need to use trasnferwise or my starling or natwest account to make a SEPA transfer. (mostly transferwise due to low fees) (30 euro for like computer parts or like 5 euro for have it free just pay postage)
For the first time I genuinely am thinking of moving over. This should have been implemented by now rather than focusing on things like the app appearance etc. IBAN/Swift is a bank basic feature!
Zero comments from Monzo. Where is the “transparency” on this?
I can’t see that any staff have been tagged in so probably they haven’t seen your comments? IBAN and app appearance will be entirely different teams tho
As mentioned several times before, this would likely be tackled by the team that has been solidly busy with the new Faster Payments gateway, with a firm date to hit, leaving them little time for anything else - no amount of changes elsewhere in the app would have affected progress on this feature as they would have been working on something else if not that
A member of the payments team has just been tagged in, so let’s see what comes from that
Given you have been mentioning this what seems like every day or two across a number of threads, maybe you for your own personal reasons you should move across to or have another bank that can. It does not have to be the case that any one bank, Monzo or otherwise, meets all your needs
I have never had cause to use an IBAN in the thirty or so years I have had a bank account in my name, so would challenge whether it is actually a “basic” feature, but accept it is important for those who do need it - sorting regular bank payments seems a priority, but hopefully they can now get to it
Yes which is exactly why I said it so don’t see why you need to say back to me exactly what I said lol. The fact is it was supposed to have been implemented by now and just seems to be taking forever, which is why I said “for the first time I genuinely am thinking of moving over.”
Plus I have not commented everyday, I commented on a post why I have not gone full monzo on 30th Oct which is just stating a fact, things monzo have given up on on, on 5th Nov and this post…
I have been with Monzo since the beta and don’t want to have to switch which is why I haven’t considered it before. I love using Monzo but it’s still lacking an important feature for me.
My point is it was promised under 6 months over a year ago and then no updates since which is a shame. Normally there are updates for things like this but it is one that we have heard nothing about at all since.
If you don’t need IBAN not sure why you are even in this thread though?
I think there’s a big difference between a “common offering” and a “basic feature”.
IBAN may be the former and overdrafts the latter (even though I’ve never used either in 30 years). Without a larger sample size it’s going to be hard to prove.
(🏳️🌈 Producer of "low value commentary")
I can’t believe I just read this. I don’t have/need an overdraft, does that mean I can’t comment on them?