HyperJar Discussion

I know Hyperjar teamed up with Saltedge last year, as they splashed it everywhere

I would love Hyperjar as a bolt-on account, but I need it to link to Emma first…

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Interestingly having come across their website they are now offering to new customers 1.5% cashback for 6 months. It’s limited to £200 per month!

1% on the first £500 and then 1.5% thereafter.

Offer closes on 28th Feb.


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2% cashback up to £200pm if using Google or Apple Pay.

New customers only.

I am heading the other way. Nothing but issues with HyperJar this year, so, after having my formal complaint upheld, as soon as their resolution goodwill gesture is in my account, I shall be closing it.

I am sure HyperJar have many satisfied customers though, who did not experience the issues I have, so my advice would simply be to DYOR (Do Your Own Research) and make up your own minds once you have sufficient data to make an informed decision.

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I’m sure I opened an account some time ago and closed it shortly after.

The common use I find is for those with children.

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That’s why I have it (though I do find the app incredibly over-complicated to achieve the simple means of providing pocket money). As soon as the youngest is 11 he’ll be off to Nationwide.


That was why I opened it in 2020 :+1:

One child chose Starling at 16, other is still trying Nationwide application.

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With the Flexone plus a savings account, they can potentially get the £100 fairer shares too.

Yes, much lower eligibility bar :+1:

That’s what my eldest has just discovered!

With HyperJar, do I get my own sort code and account number for the account?

Is the app decent?

And what’s the CS situation like?

TIA, Jared

Why do you want a HyperJar account?

Please don’t do this.

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I thought it was a typo. What does it mean?

Thanks in advance.

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That now makes sense.

The app is massively over complicated IMO (I just wanted to use it as a pocket money account). It does come with a sort code and account number and the physical card is surprisingly nice.

I’ve closed mine now but I think they recently introduced some stricter limits on transfers in and out.

For the card mainly, but also as another account for me to keep like £25 in that I can take to school, and then if it gets stolen, it’s not the end of the world.

Ok :+1:

Hmm, will have to check up on that then

Ye I saw this. I wouldn’t be doing loads of transfers in/out so for me it wouldn’t really be a problem.

Closed mine as customer service was incompetent.

Prior to needing CS, however, the account served its purpose ok.

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