Huge uptake of Monzo with 16-24 year olds

I’ve used Nationwide, NatWest, Starling, Halifax, Bank of Scotland, Wise and also got some bits with the NS&I too.

Monzo is the best.

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What I’ve currently got going

How many of those give you the full experience when you’re still a child?


Cash app doesn’t exist here any more :skull: or at least soon it disappears anyway.

You haven’t tried HSBC, Lloyds, Santander, Barclays, TSB, or the Co-op Bank. For all you know, they might be better.

I can categorically tell you that this is the biggest dumpster fire of a bank ever, and no one should ever go near them ever, and if they do they’re in for a world of pain.



Yeah I know. Hardly used it anyway tbh. Signed up for the free fiver awhile ago and just need to delete the app now.
I’ve got about 500 apps on my phone, most of which need deleting lol

I have given Santander a go. Their app put me off, was too basic.
They’ve changed it now since I was with them, so I’m not entirely sure my opinion is valid anymore on that front.

I wouldn’t touch barclays with a barge pole, they just seem a total mess.

One bank you haven’t mentioned that I WOULD like to try at some point is Handelsbanken, they’ve got a very interesting outfit going on.

Nationwide & NatWest both definitely do, think starling does also but not too confident in that.

Only thing I miss out on with Monzo is the paid accounts which probably is something I’ll sign upto at some point.

What’s the difference between a personal account and a teen account?

Our teen account is a dedicated account for 16 to 17 year olds who live in the UK. It’s a free account that comes with its own debit card and app.

With a teen account you can access nearly all the great features that come with our personal account, including Saving Spaces and Settle Up.

However, there are some products and features you won’t be able to use until you turn 18:

  • Fixed Savers
  • Joint accounts
  • Connected Cards
  • Kite Spaces
  • Overdrafts

You also won’t be able to use your card for things that have an age restriction, for example in casinos, or on betting and gambling websites.

To apply for a teen account simply download the Starling app from your phone’s app store.

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I mean if I’m being brutally honest there’s better options out there, such as a CovBS Triple Access, and that’s not even the best you can get.

Never seen anyone offer a joint account to under 18s. Application probably get declined either way considering Starling at the minute…

Actually ye connected card could be quite nice. Kite is only for age 6+, so realistically no 16 year old is going to need Kite.

Lending, so 18+ ig

So ye tbh I’m not missing out on much on their Teen account realistically.

So based on your reply the Starling teen account sounds perfect for teens but it’s definitely not the full account experience. :+1:t2:



Who would you give it to?

Myself. Second debit card yeeeee

Add it to the (slowly growing) card collection.

What does this mean?

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I guess

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It means “I guess”

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I mean, to save yourself time from having to explain these all the time. You could actually just type out the full proper word ig.