How our Android engineers automated the removal of Kotlin synthetics ⚙

We’ve got another blog for everyone to get their eyes on :eyes:

We recently had to remove all synthetic view properties from our Android codebase because a particular plugin that our mobile engineers use (Kotlin) was being deprecated. This impacted almost 600 screens across the app so our mobile platform team created a plugin to migrate them all automatically. This was a big success for the team and saved months of churn with a few days putting the plugin together. (Open sourced plugin so other teams can use it)

TL;DR Something that would have impacted 600 screens across the app was resolved with some hard work by our mobile platform team and they wrote a really cool blog about it :computer:

If this impressed you or you found it cool, we’ve currently got positions available in the team :point_down: Android Engineer iOS Engineer

The author of the blog @MonzoBrad has been kind enough to answer any questions you all might have about all the hard work carried out.


Love this sort of article :nerd_face:


Great write up :+1:

Probably also explains the recent HUGE changes in the decompiled :monzo::android: app code, which on the surface of it seem a bit ‘pointless’ but obviously are critical for future development.