How long do Direct Debit's take to appear in app?

Couldn’t find any answer to this. @alexs or any admins who find a topic please feel free to move this.

Just wondering how long it takes for direct debits to appear in the app and what tab do they appear under?

Don’t know how long they take to appear, but currently on the Android app they appear on the ‘Spending’ tab, just above the tab itself is a ‘Recurring payments’ which will tell you how many DDs and SOs you have. Click this and it pops up a list of them.

Ah I dont yet seem to have that screen (iOS) possibly as the DD was only setup today.

@billinghamj Has told me it takes 3 days to show in the app so will wait and see if it does!

Check this;


It took me ages to realise they’d be in Spending rather than Payments. Payments seems a much more sensible place to keep them.

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I’ve left it too late to merge this topic (so I’ll just close it instead) but here’s Liam’s answer for you -

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I wouldn’t worry too much about the design of the app at the moment, it will change when version 2.0 is rolled out :slight_smile:

If you have any more questions about Direct Debits, please ask them here -