How I left Monzo & Instantly Regretted It

This was more to do with acceptance issues than anything else. That’s one thing they are good at!

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Yeah, they probably won’t care. Especially if I don’t claim their sign-up reward but it’s more for my worrying more than anything. I always feel bad about stuff like this!

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Thanks for sharing your story.

Happily I have never once had an issue with Monzo, I can’t imagine leaving Monzo, it would be like driving a 2 litre golf gti then trying to go back to a Vauxhall Corsa 1.4.

Take your time and do what works for you.


I do feel a bit silly lol.

I probably should have tried using the bank account before using the CASS.

I think I’ve been unlucky with the problems I’ve had to be honest. I’ll definitely rejoin and speak to support about any issues I have :slight_smile:


We all make mistakes, don’t be too harsh on yourself! At least you’ve learned something in the process and will do it it differently next time, I believe :grin: You are lucky that it was Monzo and not the suits as the Man wouldn’t be so understanding. Good luck fella!

Thanks :grin:. Yeah on the bright side, thanks to Monzo for letting re-join whenever I like.

I won’t be doing that again in a hurry :joy:

Everyone learns from their mistakes :slight_smile:
Good to see Monzo are willing to let you return when you’re ready too!


Also, fun fact :smile:

If Monzo move any payments once you have left them, they still show feed items and instant notifications! :raised_hands:



Thanks for sharing your experience! :smile:

I am going to be doing this shortly, I’m just waiting a little bit because I signed up for a new SIM only plan a few months ago and switched my car
insurance last month. I’m concerned about the amount of sign ups on my credit report (especially if I want a overdraft again).

I’m glad they were nice and helpful to you though. Tbh if a company did what I’ve heard Starling do, I’d wonder if I really want to use them again anyway. I understand that I may be costing them a bit of money moving back (which I’m happy to cover) but it feels like they don’t want customers sometimes.

I’m missing everything you mentioned, summary and not having to remember 7 different security questions / passwords (I’m pretty sure I’ve forgotten at least 1 of them)

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*Apologies, I hit on the delete instead of edit button.

I’m in the same position. I left Monzo a month and a bit ago. I was frustrated through lack of 3d secure. I went to a legacy bank, and I completely missed Monzo, lack of pending transactions, no notification when I used my card, and then having to wait days to see exactly what had been taken out of my account.

I then got in touch with COps via the app, and received such a warm response, and they helped me to resign up for a new account as I have a new email address. They made me feel so welcome in returning. I did the account sign-up and had to wait for my ID information to be verified. This was taking a while, and over 12 hours later it still hadn’t been verified - Although I appreciate there can be a huge backlog with the amount of new sign-ups which is great for the bank’s growth. However, I contacted COps, and asked them how long I’d be waiting, and within an hour the customer service operator had approved my account information, and ordered a card to be sent out! - That’s how a bank should be, quick and efficient - Not waiting a week just to get a simple query answered.

Anyway the response and warm welcome from Monzo was in stark contrast to Starling’s incredibly dismissive and abruptly getting told you’re banned for 12 months when you close an account. Yet I’ve read recently Monzo now have over 920,000 customers, and starling 210,000 - So it’s clear to see who is capturing the public’s interest!


We’ll welcome you back anytime @GarethTheNerd!

And posts like this are so important in helping us understand where we need to improve to give you the confidence to make the full switch to Monzo in future :+1:

Sorry to hear this, I know it’s a real hassle! Releasing 3DS into Labs as an early feature meant we could crowdsource feedback on problematic merchants and failed transactions, so it may be the case that this has been resolved now.

Reporting here or via help in the app means we can come back to you directly with an update on what is causing this.


If you provide a different mobile phone number you can game the Starling 12 month ban rule. I did :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

Appreciate it’s probably not worth the hassle, but l was getting a new mobile number anyway.

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I contacted them first, and told them I had a new number since I closed my other account, and asked if I could rejoin. They told it still wouldn’t be approved and any new account would be closed, and you can only rejoin 12 months following the date of the closure of the original account as Starling accounts ‘are very popular right now and they want everybody to have the chance to sign up’

Yet I don’t understand how allowing people to rejoin would stop others who haven’t had accounts from doing it, maybe somebody who is more experienced in fintech could help?

Anyway I’m over Starling - It’s just a legacy bank in an app trying to be edgy with a gimmicky portrait single colour card and their customer service is shocking, compared to the excellent service at Monzo.


Well can only speak from my experience and my account stayed open, but l didn’t contact customer services. I was surprised how it just happened, then made me question what validation checks they do beyond the usual credit file scan etc.

Anyway l do think the twelve month ban is ridiculous and foolish, in any business in this area it is a numbers and market share game even if your strategy is not to be wholly dependent on retail customers. Which l suspect is Starling strategy.

Interestingly if you enter a phone number of a closed account it will validate up to the password request. Maybe all they do to old accounts is change the password…


That’s some reason they’re peddling. They’re just upset their threat didn’t work.

Either that or the JVM can’t process accounts fast enough :rofl:


It’s what they say on their website and Twitter. I suppose people just have to make the choice they think works for them. Starling are not very user friendly in my eyes , I think the service and whole tone of customer service here at Monzo is leagues ahead but I’m sure there’s people who would disagree with me. We all have to base it on our own personal experiences.

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I can see why they do it, they’re just limiting the cost liability. To be fair, you initiate the 12 month ban by closing a perfectly good, working, free account.

When the option exists (arguably is encouraged) to simply leave your account dormant, you choose to send some kind of message to Starling by closing it. Aren’t they allowed to not particularly care if you subsequently want to rescind that message?


They are absolutely entitled to do this. But, for my money, it sets a negative tone: the customer has to flex around rigid rules of the bank rather than the bank being responsive to the situation.

I don’t like that approach. Others will have different views.


As opposed to the bank flexing round a flaky customer? Open me an account, close it, reopen it!

I agree. It’s shocking customer service* and Monzo absolutely takes the correct course, but my point is that ex–customers can’t really complain too much about the policy when their decision alone invokes it. It’s not ‘unfair’; it’s a (usually) known, direct consequence of the customer’s action.

*I find Starling CS laughable, as my posts elsewhere demonstrate.


Oh yes, customers should take an educated decision to close their account.

But, speaking personally, if I were considering closing my account this type of response would make me more likely to close it.

Make it easy for me to leave and, ironic as it seems, the longer I am likely to stay.